

词汇 windows 10
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window sash───n.窗扇

window seat───n.窗座;靠窗座位

window sill───窗台板,窗盘




I ask Mundie whether we will see a Windows 10. "Sure, from a brand point of view," he says.───我问蒙迪我们是否将会看到Windows10。“当然了,从某种观点来看,”他说。

Setting up the 250u on my Lenovo ThinkPad W510 with Windows 7 took about 10 minutes; it connected to the network on the first try.───在我安装了Win7操作系统的联想ThinkPad W510上面设置250u花费了大约十分钟。在我第一次尝试的时候就连上了网络。

The easiest way to create a world template is to use Windows 10 Edition to export an McWorld (or obtain one by any other means) and then add a pack_manifest. json to indicate it's a template.───创建地图模板的最好方式是使用Win 10版导出一个(或通过其他方式获得一个)mcworld文件并加入pack_manifest . json来将其指定为一个模板。

With Windows 7, said Dell Vice President Alex Gruzen in October, the PC market would no longer be a 'race to the bottom' in terms of prices.───戴尔副总裁格鲁增去年10月说,Windows7面世后,PC市场就不会再出现大打价格战的情况。

Microsoft (MSFT) has two massive platforms in Windows and Xbox, and has been thrashing about for a decade trying to build one in mobile.───微软(Microsoft)已经坐拥Windows和Xbox系统两大平台,在过去10年间一直卧薪尝胆,试图在移动终端在搭建一个新的平台。

Windows 7, which hits stores in October, is shaping up to be the best version of Microsoft's widely used operating system yet.───定于10月上市的Windows7,将是微软公司获得广泛应用的操作系统中最好的版本。

Microsoft has its own billion-dollar deal with Chinese computer giant Lenovo to install the Windows operating system in its computers.───而微软公司则与中国电脑巨人联想集团签署了10亿美元的软件采购协议,为联想全线产品预装WINDOWS正版系统。

The cabin was then a 9-by-10-foot box with a peaked roof, five small windows and a sleeping loft over a small supported by tree trunks.───这个小房子9乘10英寸大小,尖顶,5扇小窗户,门廊上面还由树干支撑起了一个睡觉的小阁楼。

In 10 weeks, Microsoft Corp. will begin retiring Windows XP by shifting the operating system into a more limited support plan.───10周后,微软将把WindowsXP操作系统转入更有限的技术支持计划,从而开始淘汰此系统,迎来Windows7。

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