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that is it───就这样

that's done it───这下糟了

that's torn it───太糟糕了

beat sb to it───抢先一步

shake on it───握手为定

that's it───就是这样

walks in on───撞见;不期而遇;突然进来


Sure, this is valuable to large software houses, but what's in it for the little guy?───当然,对于大型软件公司来说,这颇有价值,但是对于小公司或个人有什么用吗?

See if you can guess what's in it.───看你能不能猜出里头加了些什么?

But when I work for others’benefit and turn off WIIFM for a while (What’s In It For Me?), I tap into thedeep wells of happiness that are already inside me.───但是如果为别人工作,暂时忘却自己的利益,将能深入内心挖掘快乐之井,那么快乐将像井水一样源源不断从内心流出。

What's in it for her to bewail herself?───她在那号啕大哭对她有什么好处?

Much of our political discourse, including the debate about climate-change policies, focuses around the question of "what's in it for me? "───许多政治性的演讲,包括气候改变政策的争论,人们都会关注问题“我在里面会获得什么?”

You already know what's in it, boss man, you only read it so you'll know how much other people know, so there's no big rush.───您已经知道上面写什么了,因为您是首脑啊,您读这东西只是为了知道别人知道多少,所以您一点儿都不着急。

These are a form of "mystery meat" navigation, where you're forced to move the cursor over the object to see what's in it.───这些是“肉之谜”导航系统的一种类型,你必须将鼠标移动到该物件之上才能看到里面的东西。

'What's in it for me? What would I get out of the deal exactly? '───那么与我的好处呢?我在这交涉中能具体得到些什么?

What's in it for the vendor--which might be a museum, a yoga studio or an ice cream shop? Exposure.───对于供应商—博物馆、瑜伽会馆或是冰激凌商店来说来说这意味着什么呢?曝光。

  • what i what
  • what can he do
  • what a treat
  • what wanna be
  • what would it be
  • what do i do
  • what a ball
  • what a good day
  • what say you
  • what is mean
  • what s mean
  • what do you like
  • what a study
  • what do do
  • what high
  • what a table
  • what isup
  • what s in it
  • what clan
  • what here
  • what matters




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