

词汇 what do you like
释义 what do you like
what do you like发音



what do you know───你知道什么

what do you want───你想要什么;你想怎么样

what you will───你会怎么做

what did you do with───你用什么做的

what can/do you expect───你能指望什么

how do you do───你好

how do you do's───你好吗


you like the least about your current job?───你对目前的工作最不喜欢的是什么?

you like to do after school? I like to watch TV after school.───你放学后喜欢做什么? 我放学后喜欢看电视。

Please tell us what you think of the site though. What do you like? What would you like to see? What could we do better?───请告知我们你对本网站的看法。你喜欢什么?你想看到什么?我们如何才能做得更好?

but what do you like abut him? Jessie: Well, there's just something about him, Don't you think so?───但是你特别喜欢他什么呢?好了,他很特别,你不这样认为吗?

Why don't you study in a Chinese university but in USA? What do you like the least about Chinese education?───为什么不在中国读大学,要到美国去读?

GIO What do you like to see your men and women wearing in the bedroom to turn you on?───在卧室,你喜欢男人或女人穿什么来让你动心?

What do you love the most about your current job? What do you like the least about your current job?───你最喜爱什么对你目前的工作?你喜欢什么对你目前的工作中,最小的吗?

What do you like to see at the zoo? That's all for now. See you next time on backpack. Goodbye!───你喜欢动物园里的什么动物呢?今天就到这了,下次见吧。再见!


What do you like most and least about where you're living now, and why are you looking for a new place?

Wow, big blue, what do you like?

The senator asks: What do you like to do when you go back home?

What do you like to do in your free time ?

What do you like?

What do you like to do in your leisure time?

What do you like most and least about your character Hermione Granger?

What do you like best about the darkroom?

What do you like about your pen-friend?

  • what i what
  • what can he do
  • what a treat
  • what wanna be
  • what would it be
  • what do i do
  • what a ball
  • what a good day
  • what say you
  • what is mean
  • what s mean
  • what do you like
  • what a study
  • what do do
  • what high
  • what a table
  • what isup
  • what s in it
  • what clan
  • what here
  • what matters




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