here and now───此时此地;立刻
what do you know───你知道什么
hare and hounds───n.猎犬追兔游戏
how are you───你好
pay as you go───账单到期即付,量入为出
the here and now───此时此地
there you are───你就在那里(歌曲名)
You were a loafer but now you are on your way to becoming a model employee.───你曾经是一个游手好闲的人,现在你已经开始向一个模范员工的方向努力了。
The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault!───事实就是在我们见面之前,你就处在这个境地,可现在,不知怎么地,却成了我的错了。
After that, that was constantly thrown back at me as Iraq deteriorated: "you were an optimist and now the security forces you developed are in the grip of the militias," or this or that.───这之后,每当伊拉克形势恶化后,这个话题就会被提起来:“你表示乐观,可是现在你建立起来的安全部队都被民兵掌握着”,诸如此类。
- were tired
- were i was
- were glasses
- were on
- were taken
- were is it
- were out
- were are you now
- were different
- were obradford
- were coming
- were designed