get along───(勉强)生活;进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处
went around───走来走去
bat along───快走
be along───来到
cut along───快去
gets along───(勉强)生活;进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处
gone along───进行;支持;前进;赞同
got along───进展
let alone───更不必说;听任;不打扰
I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along.───我给孩子们讲了个故事,是现编的。
He went along the street begging the people for money.───他沿街向路人讨钱.
Uncle Bill made up the story as he went along.───比尔叔叔一边编故事一边讲出来.
The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.───潮湿的砖块沿着传送带进入另一个棚子进行干燥。
These purchases usually went along with embellishments such as minarets.───这些购置通常也伴随着注入尖塔等的装饰.
She went along whistling to keep up her courage in the dark.───她吹着口哨向前走,在黑暗中鼓起她的勇气.
The motorcade went along with great patience in the traffic jam.───车队以极大的耐心在拥挤的交通中行进.
He made the story up as he went along.───他说的内容是现讲现编的.
And so the infatuated surgeon went along through the gorgeous autumn landscape of White - Hart Vale.───就这样,这位迷了心窍的外科医生,在白鹿谷灿烂的秋日景色中穿行着.
The clanking tractor went along , shooting smoke out of its belly.───拖拉机铿铿地开了过去, 从车肚里喷出烟来.
the story as he went along.───这个故事是他现编现讲的。
He went along muttering words and swearing.───他一路咕哝咒骂.
The cars went along with great care on the icy roads.───车辆十分小心地结冰的路上行驶.
I went along to the meeting.───我去参加了会议。
Most of the other authors also went along with the gag.───其他的大部分作家也纷纷动笔.
I went along thinking of nothing in particular only looking at things around me.───我一路走着,没想什么特别的事,只是四下张望着。
Our arts reporter Vincent Dowd went along to take a look.───我们的文艺记者文森特?多德前往此处、一探究竟.
As he went along, he kept mumbling inconsequent phrases.───他一边走着, 嘴里一边咕噜着一些不相连贯的话.
We went along a broad passage.
I went along to the local GP.
The old woman and children went along the street,begging the people for bread .
He made the story up as he went along.
I only went along for a lark.
I went along to the meeting.
On seeing me, Maurice changed direction and went along the wharf instead.
As we went along, the roads became muddier.
He made up the story as he went along.
- wentc mp ng
- went up to sb
- went skiing
- went off
- went over
- went out of his way
- went out for a walk
- went to be
- went wild
- went out of
- went back
- went for
- went slowly back to
- went tothe
- went past
- went underwater
- went to
- went viral
- went up to
- went straight
- went comping