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词汇 went about
释义 went about
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beat about───迎斜风行驶;搜索;四处闲逛;拐弯抹角

get about───传开,传播;(病后)走动;旅行;积极参加社会活动

set about───着手;开始做…

went out───v.熄灭,过时;离开


what about───怎么样;(对于)…怎么样

went around───走来走去

cast about───想方设法;搜索

fart about───干蠢事;闲荡;拖延,浪费时间


Every capitalist went about with a gang of lackeys who -'───资本家每人都带着一帮走狗 —— ”

He went about looking ill and unhappy.───他看上去总是一副病恹恹、不开心的样子。

The young man shrugged off his injury and went about his business.───这个年青人对他的伤连理也不理,继续忙着他的事.

Listlessly she went about the disorderly old hotel.───她没精打彩地在乱七八糟的陈旧的旅馆中走来走去.

I finally accepted the loss and went about my business.───最后我自认倒霉,照常做我的事情.

He went about his duties as king.───他忙于尽国王的职责.

So she kept silence, and went about her affairs with a troubled heart.───于是,她一声不吭,忙这忙那, 可心乱如麻.

He went about in the disguise of a sailor.───他伪装成海员到处流窜.

They went about their business in a systematic way.───他们按部就班地做生意。

He went about very quiet, and in a way, submissive.───他默默无声地走来走去, 一副唯命是从的样子.

They got very cocky, and went about saying you were done for this time!───他们非常自大,到处说你这次完蛋了!

Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about setting it up.───告诉我们你是何时出于何种原因开办了自己的企业,又是如何着手创建的。

Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual.───尽管战争一触即发, 人们仍像平时一样工作.

Then he went about his duties as king.───于是他就执行国王的职务了.

Listlessly she went about the disorderly hotel.───她恹恹地在陈旧杂乱的旅馆来回走动.

Brangwen went about at his work, heavy , his heart heavy as the sodden earth.───布兰温忙着干活, 心情宛如浸湿的土地一样十分沉重.

Tom went about, hoping against hope for the sight of one blessed sinful face, but disappointment crossed him everywhere.───汤姆四处走动,抱着一线希望,只希望能看到一张被上帝放过的邪恶的脸,可是无论何地都令他失望。


Ruth went about her tasks in a dream.

We went about our task with renewed enthusiasm.

The tourists went about London freely.

He went about in the disguise of a sailor.

He went about looking ill and unhappy.

She went about the task with the zeal of an enthusiast.

Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual.

She went about her preparations in a quiet businesslike way.

People went about their daily work despite the war.

  • wentc mp ng
  • went up to sb
  • went skiing
  • went off
  • went over
  • went out of his way
  • went out for a walk
  • went to be
  • went wild
  • went out of
  • went back
  • went for
  • went slowly back to
  • went tothe
  • went past
  • went underwater
  • went to
  • went viral
  • went up to
  • went straight
  • went comping




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