

词汇 wedding gift
释义 wedding gift
wedding gift发音



wedding guest───婚礼宾客

wedding ring───结婚戒指

wedding guests───婚礼宾客

wedding feast───n.喜筵

wedding rings───结婚戒指

bedding in───刮研;研配

bedding out───移苗,移栽


University’s Principal Professor Louise Richardson announced during the event that it is to establish a new scholarship, as a wedding gift to the couple.───大学校长路易斯理查德森称,借此次活动设立一项新的奖学金,作为威廉王子夫妇的结婚礼物。

sofa, in front of the window overlooking the garden, was a wedding gift to the couple; the Shaker chest of drawers is from their former home together.───窗前可以俯瞰花园的沙发是这对夫妇收到的结婚礼物,夏克尔式的衣柜也从以前的家中一起搬了过来。

I think my wedding gift to myself would be the complete Kama Sutra package.───我给自己准备的结婚礼物就是全套的印度爱经。

We do not know what to buy as a wedding gift for your daughter, finally we decided to buy Olympic medals .───我们不知道该买什么东西作为结婚礼物送给你女儿,最后我们决定买奥运纪念章。

The wedding gift you sent to us is one of the most beautiful we received. It now occupies the most prominent place on our mantel.───惠赠结婚礼物是我们收到的最佳的礼物之一,现陈设在壁炉架上最显眼的地位。

Thank you for the pleasure your wedding gift brought and for your good wishes.───感谢你的结婚礼品给带来欢愉,感谢你对无比美好的祝愿。

But premarital counseling might be the best wedding gift any newlyweds can receive.───但婚前的咨询服务肯定是新婚夫妇们应该收到的最好的结婚礼物。

The wedding gift you sent us is one of the most beautiful we received. It now occupies the most prominent place on my mantel.───您赠送的结婚礼品是我们收到的礼品中最美丽的一件,现在我们把它放在壁炉台上最显眼的地方。

Brooks: I read that you said you were going to get Yao 24-inch car rims as a wedding gift.───布鲁克斯:我听说你将送给姚明一个24英尺的汽车轮圈做礼物。

  • wedding veil
  • wedding dinner
  • wedding gift
  • wedding anniversary
  • wedding sweet
  • wedding bands
  • wedding cake
  • wedding ring
  • wedding planner
  • wedding banquet
  • wedding crasher
  • wedding dresses
  • wedding rings
  • wedding venue




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