

词汇 wealth and happiness
释义 wealth and happiness
wealth and happiness发音



find happiness───找到幸福

human happiness───人类的幸福

Perth and Kinross───n.珀斯-金罗斯

half and halves───一半一半;各占一半

hearth and home───家园


haves and have-nots───富人和穷人


She always has dreams of wealth and happiness.───她经常梦想着财富与幸福。

I don't think so.It's impossible to equate wealth and happiness.───我不这样认为。不可能把财富和幸福划等号。

Wealth and happiness always have countless ties.───财富和幸福有着不解之缘。

On or near the 26th you could be celebrating a victory or making moves intended to increase your wealth and happiness.───在26号左右,你可能会庆祝自己取得的胜利,或为拓展财富和幸福攻城拔寨。

May the peace , health , wealth and happiness follow you and your family all the years!───愿平安,健康,财富和幸福快乐永远追随着你和家人!

Studies have also found that once our basic needs are met, there is no correlation between the possession of wealth and happiness.───研究还发现,在基本需求得到满足后,占有财富和幸福感之间并不存在相关性。

Cass Sunstein, the co-author of "Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness" , works in Barack Obama's White House.───《唠叨:启发人们关于健康、财富及幸福的决定》的联合作者,卡斯•桑斯坦(CassSunstein),就在巴拉克•奥巴马的白宫工作。

You wanted to bring wealth and happiness to the world - you did so on a massive scale (compared to the last couple of centuries anyway).───你想给世界带来财富和幸福——规模很大(相比于过去两个世纪)。

The names of those who toiled hard to bring us spiritual wealth and happiness will always glitter on the monument of man's history.───兢兢业业为人们带来精神财富与愉悦的人,他们的名字将永远在人类历史的丰碑上熠熠生辉。


Wealth and happiness do not always concur.

Wealth and happiness do not always go together.

  • wealthy lady
  • wealth and happiness




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