

词汇 walked into
释义 walked into
walked into发音



talked into───说服某人做某事

walked in on───撞见;不期而遇;突然进来

packed into───挤进…里;塞进

waded into───精神饱满地开始;猛烈攻击

walk into───v.走进;不慎陷入;痛斥

walks into───v.走进;不慎陷入;痛斥

worked into───进入;掺和

walking into───v.走进;不慎陷入;痛斥

booked into───签到;登记


We walked into the foyer.───我们走进前厅。

He walked into the room unbidden.───他径自走进了屋子。

I realized I'd walked into a trap.───我意识到自己稀里糊涂落入了陷阱。

Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi, so I knew I had it with me just before I walked into the restaurant.───然后我记得带它去支付计程车,所以我知道我还带着它就在我走进餐厅。

Mr Domenici would love to see Mr Obama and Congress share the same urgency he felt as he walked into Reagan's office in 1982.───Domenici乐于看到奥巴马和国会与他共同处理紧急事件,正如在1982年走进里根的办公室。

Yao said it was a difficult day for him from the moment he walked into the building.───姚明说,从进入球馆的那一刻,痛苦的一天开始了。

The buildings are surrounded by grass and trees, so I felt as if I had walked into a medieval castle.───这些建筑物四周都是草地和树木,所以我觉得我好像走进了一个中世纪城堡走去。

And it was a close call in northern Texas where a pair of children nearly walked into a lightening bolt.───在北德克萨斯州上演了千钧一发一幕,两个小孩几乎被闪电击中。

Reports said the attacker walked into a restaurant during the busy lunch hour and detonated a belt packed with explosives .───报道称,袭击者在午餐繁忙时间走进一家餐馆,引爆绑在腰间的炸药。


The man walked into the house in the dark.

I realized I'd walked into a trap.

The boss walked into Peter for being so careless.

He walked into the room and pulled off his hood.

He walked into the room unbidden.

She walked into the cool of the hallway.

A couple of townies walked into the village pub, looking very out of place in their smart suits.

Leo swallowed hard and walked into the room.

He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.

  • walked by
  • walked off
  • walked through
  • walked down
  • walked upswell with




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