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词汇 volumes of
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comes of───出身于…;起源于…;由…引起


comes off───举行,成功;表现;脱离

comes on───v.快点;开始;要求;上演;跟着来;突然产生





In the volumes of black history, much remains unwritten.───在黑人的史册中,有很多篇章尚未书写。

The infarction volumes of unifocal CI patients was associated with the serum cholesterol level (P───性 CI 患者的梗死体积与血清胆固醇水平相关(P

Avoid moving high volumes of data over the wire.───避免在线路上移动大量数据。

It was believed that this was because the child's mother had eaten meat and eggs containing high volumes of antibiotic residue.───医生认为这是由于该孩子的母亲吃了含抗生素残留量高的肉类和鸡蛋的缘故。

Daily trading volumes of the renminbi in the offshore spot market have shot up to about $1. 3bn, compared with almost nothing a year ago.───离岸即期市场上人民币的每日交易量已经飙升至约13亿美元,而一年前交易量还几乎为零。

Everyone read the two volumes of her memoirs published in her lifetime, but she died in poverty aged 38, with only Jack at her side.───丽蒂茜娅在世时出版了两卷回忆录,读者众多,可她38岁去世时贫困潦倒,身边只有杰克陪伴。

The nice rose speaks volumes of how much he misses you.───这么好的花,足以说明他很思念你。

As it turns out, most code contains volumes of information like this to help us find data of interest.───正如这里所显示的,许多代码包含大量类似的信息,有助于我们找到感兴趣的数据。

It's just a question of whether there's enough sunlight and enough land to capture it to produce sufficient volumes of energy.───问题只在于是否有足够的阳光,以及是否有足够的土地宋捕捉这些阳光,然后生产出足量的能源来。


Between 1906 and 1936 she published five volumes of poetry, seven novels, and a number of short stories.

This ore contains substantial volumes of zinc and copper, which are produced as by-products of the more valuable tin.

A hundred volumes of his poems were printed.

Here are two odd volumes of an encyclopedia.

We also offer bound volumes of the magazine.

Sandstone, for example, can hold very large volumes of groundwater because spaces are formed between the rock's rounded quartz grains.

Volumes of black smoke poured fromthe chimney.

The jars hold different volumes of liquid/have different volumes.

The two volumes of collected Irish Stories are printed.

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