vested interests───既得利益;特权阶级
investor interest───投资者利益
renewed interest───新的兴趣
lose interest───v.失去兴趣
shared interest───共同利益;共享利益
accrued interest───[金融]应计利息;[金融]待付利息
feign interest───假装兴趣
life interest───终身财产所有权;[法]终身权益
to interest───兴趣
Employers have a vested interest in their employees'health.───雇主是其员工的健康既得利益者.
Aside from the Vested Interest, What is Left in Chinese Contemporary Art?───除了既得利益, 当代艺术还剩下什么?
In material culture, the main influence is that of the status and the vested interest.───在社会物质文化方面, 主要是既得的地位和利益等因素的影响.
He has a vested interest in Mona leaving the firm.───莫娜离开公司对他有利﹙他可能获得莫娜的职位﹚.
Bentall says that psychiatry and drug companies a vested interest in keeping things are they are.───本陶说制药企业的利益根深蒂固,他们将维持这种局面.
Product leaders have a vested interest in protecting the entrepreneurial environment that they have created.───产品领先公司对保护他们所建造的企业环境拥有既得的利益.
The government a vested interest in seeing GMAC succeed and the U.───政府负有扶持GMAC成功和美国汽车工业振兴的责任.
The uninformed American public has developed a vested interest in their condemnation of Mary.───蒙昧的美国公民把对玛丽的谴责发展成为一种既得利益.
British business has a vested interest in the Soviet Union's economic renaissance.───英国业界在苏联经济复苏方面有既得利益.
We, all of us, have a vested interest in keeping the game going.───我们所有的人对继续这游戏都是既得利益者.
The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad.───在证明公立学校好坏方面,行政部门不存在既得利益。
We have no vested interest in this respect.───我们在这方面没有既得利益.
Investment bankers themselves have a vested interest in not blowing up their firms.───投资银行家们自己的既得利益不允许他们毁了自己的公司.
Foreign businesses have a vested interest in keeping markets open and trade flowing.───外国企业在保持市场开放和贸易流动方面有著既定利益.
Foreign businesses a vested interest in keeping markets open and trade flowing.───外国企业在保持市场开放和贸易流动方面有着既定利益.
They have a vested interest in keeping the club as exclusive as possible.───他们希望俱乐部尽可能地限制会员加入以从中受益。
You have a vested interest in Tim's resignation, eg because you may get his job.───蒂姆辞职可能对你有好处(如因你可能得到他那份工作).
The tobacco companies have a vested interest in claiming that cigarette smoking isn't harmful.───烟草公司声称吸烟无害是因为他们对此有既得利益.
The harm of vested interest group is complex.───既得利益集团的危害是复杂的.
In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves.───汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。
Vested interest groups are responsible for the creation of policy.───政策的创立取决于既得利益集团.
Since he owns the strip of land, Cook has a vested interest in the project being approved.
- vested definition
- vested interested
- vested balance
- vested service