

词汇 ur life
释义 ur life
ur life发音



for life───终身;为了保命


bird life───n.国际鸟盟

from life───从生活中

future life───来生;来世

air line───空气管路;[光]空气谱线

bar line───杆形线;小节线


Never Say Ur Life Will End Earlier Than Mine.───永远不要说会比我先死。

Run! In ur life.───跑人生进取无限!

Learn how to express your gratitude to everyone in ur life, coz they are part of your life.───学会真诚的感谢你生命中的每个人,因为是他们给了你生活的每一刻。

In ur life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love.───一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己本人,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱俺句号。

Thats a complicate feeling, when someone is belong to ur past and just showed up in ur life now. wat will u feel like?───当一个属于你过去的人突然间出现在你现在的生活中的时候,这是一种怎样的复杂的感觉啊。

Most people want to be the sun dat brightens up ur life , but i'd rather be the moon the shines dow .───多数人想做太阳,照亮你的生活;而我却情愿做月亮,月光如水,轻洒在你身上。

So spread the word of friendship do not hold back and make hay while it shines in ur life. . .───所以当友谊照耀着我们的生活时,传播这友好的信息,不要踌躇和困惑。

Face Ur life with courage and do not complain so much.───勇敢的面对生活,不要抱怨太多!

if u walk the straight road, ur life will be smooth and if u choose the wavy road, ur life will be hard.───如果你走那条弯路,你的一生就会很艰苦;如果你选择走直路,那一生就会很快乐,幸福。


When u like, mak ur life full of hope.

I'm happy to have been a part of ur life.

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