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词汇 universal suffrage
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universal suffrages───普选权

universal language───通用语言;世界语;人人都理解的事物

universal languages───通用语言;世界语;人人都理解的事物

universal couplings───[机]万向轴节(等于universaljoint)

female suffrage───妇女参政权,女性参政权

universal acclaim───一致赞赏

universal bank───综合银行;全能银行


When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?───贵国是什么时候实行普选权的?

People have been demanding a legislature chosen by universal suffrage.───民众要求立法机关通过”普选“的方式选出.

Has this incident increased or decreased your confidence in CE's implementation of universal suffrage?───呢件事有冇增加或者减少你对特首落实普选既信心?

As the District Council elections just ended, has your demand for universal suffrage increased or decreased?───区议会选举刚刚结束, 你对普选既诉求增加左定减少左?

A third view proposes attaining universal suffrage in phases after 2016.───仲有意见认为应该分阶段系2016年以后达至普选.

China has ruled out universal suffrage for either, and is resisting demands for a timetable to be set for introducing it.───在这两项上中国都排除了大众投票,并拒绝了为此设定时间表的要求。

And lastly the possessing class rules directly by means of universal suffrage.───最后,有产阶级是直接通过普选制来统治的.

Universal suffrage was introduced and human rights were guaranteed.───普选被引入,人权有了保障.

Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class.───因此,普选制是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺.

It was routed in the south of England, and won its second-lowest share of the overall vote since the advent of universal suffrage.───在英格兰南部选举时,它得到了自大选开始以来总选票倒数第二低的票额。

New Zealand was the first country to introduce universal suffrage, following a movement led by Kate Sheppard.───新西兰在女权领袖凯特·谢帕德发起的运动下,成为首个引入全民投票制度的国家。

  • universal joint
  • universal themes
  • universality synonym
  • universal suffrage
  • universality theory
  • universal nutrition
  • universal motor agencies




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