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词汇 turn to
释义 turn to
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turns to───转向;变成;求助于;致力于;开始行动

turned to───转向;变成;求助于;致力于;开始行动

run to───跑向;达到;趋向;发展到

turn in───交上;归还;拐入;告发;上床睡觉

turn on───v.打开;发动;取决于;使兴奋;攻击

turn up───出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧


to turn to───转向

turning to───转向;变成;求助于;致力于;开始行动


'Billy, I think it's your turn to wash the dishes,'said Jane. A noncommittal grunt was his only reply.───“ 比利, 我想这次该轮到你刷盘子了, ” 简说. 他只是不置可否地咕哝了一声算作回答.

Tonight it's my turn to cook.───今晚轮到我做饭。

It's your turn to nail your colours to the mast.───该你阐述你的观点了.

More and more victims turn to litigation to redress wrongs done to them.───越来越多的受害人通过诉讼来申雪冤屈。

Turn to the right.───向右拐.

Tonight it's my turn to cook.───今晚该我做饭了。

God will help you if you turn to Him in humility and trust.───如果你怀着一颗谦恭而信任的心向上帝求助,上帝会帮助你。

Please turn to Chapter One.───请翻到第一章.

We often turn to this handbook for information on transistors.───我们常从这本手册查阅有关晶体管的资料.

It's my turn to throw.───轮到我投了.

She has nobody she can turn to.───她求助无门。

Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the left.───沿着大道走到分岔地方再向左拐.

There was no one to turn to, no one to tell.───没人可以求助,没人可以诉说。

Now, it's your turn to choose, and you are the right choice in leaving.───现在, 风水轮流转,轮到你选择的时候了, 你决意离开是无比正确的选择.

Where's your book? Take it out and turn to page 4.───你的书呢?拿出来,翻到第4页。

It will be their turn to pass the frisbee and to try to score.───当选手得到飞碟后,必须停止跑动,然后设法将飞碟掷向另一名选手.

It's your turn to cook dinner.───该你做饭了。

Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance.───有时候年轻小伙子只是需要找一个母亲式的人物聊一聊,从中获得安慰。

Please come up in turn to collect your books.───请依次过来取你们的书.

Understandably, people who are frustrated by federal inaction on immigration may turn to local initiatives.───联邦政府在移民上的不作为令民众沮丧万分, 他们转向了地方性的自发运动,这是可以理解的.

John has done a good turn to me.───约翰为我做了一件好事.

To order, turn to page 236.───如需订购,参见236页。

Almost all young women who turn to prostitution do so as a means of survival.───几乎所有从事卖淫的年轻女孩走这条路都是为了生存。

More and more people turn to computer science.───愈来愈多的人从事计算机科学研究.

The girls took it in turn to wipe down the tables after meals.───女孩子们饭后轮流擦桌子。

When I get tired, such as when I'm working on my computer, I turn to biscuits.───我累了的时候,譬如说在电脑前工作累了,就会吃饼干。

The students were summoned in turn to be interviewed.───学生依次被召入进行口试.

It's that time of year again, when thoughts turn to romance and gallantry.───又到了每年的那个时候,人们又想到了风花雪月和献殷勤的男人。

Turn to page 64.───请翻到第64页。

Turn to the next page.───翻到下一页.

Please turn to page twelve.───请翻到十二页.

The studio manager will cue you in when it's your turn to sing.───轮到你唱的时候,演播室经理会向你发出暗示的.

Go down this street and turn to the left at the first crossing.───沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口向左拐.

  • turnover intention
  • turn back to
  • turnover crust
  • turning gear
  • turnsole definition
  • turn up t
  • turnips cooking
  • turn up for
  • turn a deaf ear
  • turn a blind eye
  • turn grpainting
  • turn on not
  • turn now
  • turnips exchange
  • turned out to
  • turn fast
  • turn your head
  • turns back
  • turn red
  • turnip recipes
  • turn up man




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