

词汇 truck up
释义 truck up
truck up发音



struck up───使开始;建立起;开始演奏

ruck up───变皱;(使)起皱褶

trick up───打扮;装饰

tuck up───折起,卷起

to ruck up───鼓起

brick up───用砖堵塞,用砖围砌

buck up───使振作;打起精神;加快


I've just loaded my truck up.───我刚刚装完我的卡车。

Men were loading up a truck with timber.───工人正在把木料装上卡车。

a cargo truck up to the content silo, fill her up and you've got yourself a website.───一辆装有内容储罐的卡车,装满卡车,然后你就可以得到一个网站。

Back a cargo truck up to the content silo, fill her up and you've got yourself a website.───然后准备一辆装有内容储罐的卡车,装满卡车,然后你就可以得到一个网站。

Witnesses told VOA that two suicide attackers drove a truck up to the entrance of the government's center and exploded the bomb.───目击者告诉VOA说两名自杀式袭击者开着一辆卡车冲向该政府入口处,然后引爆了炸弹。

You need to tell Daniel to back that truck up that you can take care of yourself. Hello.───你应该告诉丹尼尔把卡车开回去这样你就能照顾好你自己对吧

because i wanted to load the truck up with some stuff first───我想先装些货上卡车


All business has to do is back a truck up to the money bin and shovel out the appropriate amount.

I've just loaded my truck up.

Back the truck up a little more, will you?

  • truck trader
  • truck car
  • truck out of
  • trucking company
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  • truck down
  • trucking jobs
  • truck up
  • trucking games




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