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词汇 to the skies
释义 to the skies
to the skies发音





on the skids───快要失败;快要被解雇;正在衰落

to the nines───完美地

be on the skids───陷入困境

on the skite───在滑雪板上。

to the bone───adv.到极点;彻骨地

to the core───adv.彻底;直至核心

to the fore───在前面;在近处;在手头

to the hilt───最大限度地;完全地

to the hilts───最大限度地;完全地


Only occasionally a hubbub of altercation rises to the skies.───只是偶然发生口角,大声地吵闹.

He was praised to the skies by Puccini and Schoenberg.───他曾被普契尼和勋伯格捧上了天。

He praises them up to the skies.───他极力褒扬他们.

Like callow birds left desert to the skies.───你的庇护,它们就要战栗--就象/那羽翼未丰的小鸟给撇下在天空里.

Your love, o Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.───耶和华阿,你的慈爱,上及诸天。你的信实,达到穹苍。

He praised the woman to the skies.───他对这位女士大为称赞.

Even if the boy is of uncommon brilliance, he should not have been praised to the skies.───即使那男孩确实聪明过人, 也不该把他捧到天上去.

His ambitions soared to the skies.───他壮志凌云.

Their ambitions soared to the skies.───他们壮志凌云.

All the girls praised the singer to the skies.───所有的女孩子都把那位歌手捧上了天.

They overpraised him to the skies, as a man of limitless might.───他们把他捧上了天, 说他是神力无穷的人.

They have lauded " detente " " peace " and'security " to the skies.───他们把 “ 缓和 ” 、 “ 和平 ” 、 “ 安全 ” 吹得天花乱坠.

Look to the skies, my friends. There you'l lfind me.───往天上看, 我的朋友. 你会在那儿发现我.

A lot of skyscrapers in Manhattan are rising up to the skies.───曼哈顿有许多摩天大楼耸入云霄.

He was exalted to the skies.───他被捧上天了。

The teacher was extolling her work to the skies.───教师极力称赞她功课好.

All the girls praised the new dancer to the skies.───所有的女孩子都把这位新来的舞蹈演员捧上了天.

  • told you so
  • tortoise and the hare
  • to put on
  • tome unlocks
  • to step up to the bar
  • to the left of
  • too close
  • to mr
  • to big box
  • took effect
  • to travel
  • to may baby
  • tower of strength
  • to the west of
  • to approve
  • to want me
  • took shape
  • tolerated cld
  • to sue
  • to get him
  • to say happy




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