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词汇 torrential rain
释义 torrential rain
torrential rain发音


暴雨; 倾盆; 豪雨


horizontal rain───水平雨




torrential downpour───急剧的倾盆大雨;倾盆大雨

potential bid───潜在投标

to entrain───夹带

to restrain───抑制

to retrain───再培训


The torrential rain had plastered her hair to her head.───暴雨使她的头发紧贴头顶.

At least 150 people are believed to have died after two days of torrential rain deluged the capital.───连续两天的滂沱大雨致使首都积水成灾,据信至少已有150人死亡。

The River Frome had burst its banks after torrential rain.───暴雨过后弗罗姆河决堤了.

Torrential rain and thunderstorms caused three reported cases of landslips and 20 of flooding.───此外,维克托也带来豪雨及雷暴,导致3宗山泥倾泻和20宗水浸.

Torrential rain and a howling tempest cut a swathe of destruction across the country.───狂风暴雨横扫全国,所到之处,一片狼藉。

Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open.───狂风暴雨一齐袭来,致使苏格兰高尔夫球公开赛的比赛条件变得异常糟糕。

Months of torrential rain have caused flooding and land slides all over the country.───连月大雨造成的洪水和泥石流在全国肆虐.

The region has been pounded with torrential rain for the past 4 days.───大雨以在该地区持续了4天之久.

There was frequent thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.───雷电交加,大雨倾盆。

The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.───比赛因大雨取消了。

The patented All Weather Cover ? protects gear from extremes, torrential rain , snow, sand and tropical sun.───专利全天候 防雨 罩保护您的器材抵挡雨雪风沙日晒等极端恶劣天气.

Rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds.───救援人员奋力抵御疾风暴雨.

There is torrential rain at our destination.───我们的目的地现在正在下暴雨.

Regardless of howling wind and torrential rain, the workersrushed to the river bank to check dam.───工人们不顾狂风暴雨奔向河堤检修大坝.

That summer a torrential rain poured down for two days and nights.───那年夏天,一场暴雨下了两天两夜.

Like how can planes take off and land torrential rain?───不畏狂风骤雨,飞机悠然下降.怎么可能?

Peak blue skies, dark mountainside Fan Yong, lightning, torrential rain is the foot of the mountain.───山顶晴空万里 、 山腰乌云翻涌, 电闪雷鸣, 山下则是滂沱大雨.

The region has been pounded with torrential rain for the past four days.───这一地区的洪水已持续了四天.

Seeing new frogs croaking in the dark nights with torrential rain is really good!───看到新品种的青蛙在大雨倾盆的黑夜里鸣叫真是太棒了!

It is found that meteorological ( torrential rain ) condition may control the spatial distribution.───分析结果表明,气象 ( 暴雨 ) 是控制黑龙江省山洪灾害的主要自然因素.

Torrential rain has been sweeping away everything in its course.───暴雨毁掉了其前进方向上的一切.

But Panama was all jungle , torrential rain , malaria and yellow fever , and the French failed catastrophically.───在21世纪,要把巴拿马运河现代化是非常艰辛的工程.

It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.───这是一个暴风雨之夜,大雨倾盆,强风呼啸。


Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open.

Rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds.

Torrential rain drove the players off the course.

The torrential rain may flood the low - lying land out.

That summer a torrential rain poured down for two days and nights.

The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.

I woke to the sound of torrential rain.

Torrential rain washed out most of the weekend's events.

The flooding, caused by three days of torrential rain, is the worst in sixty-five years.

  • torrential rainfall




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