to stand in───代替
tones arm───拾声器臂,图唱机的唱臂
throw one's hand in───伸出手
in ones and twos───三三两两
keep one's hand in───把手伸进
on and on───继续不停地
one and all───全都;人人
to hand in───交
tone arm───拾声器臂,图唱机的唱臂
the dark tones, I chose 'Blenda Purple', a bright, mauve-purple colour and a Gompie Super, 'Smokey Purple' with a slatiness to the saturated colour and lovely for it.───深色的花我选“布兰德紫”,亮浅紫的花朵,还有一款超棒的“烟紫”,平平的花瓣凸显了色调的饱和和花的可爱。
So at that time I started to listen and research the elements of Hakka modern songs and the eight tones and a mixed rhythm.───所以在那个时候我开始倾听和研究客家现代歌曲的元素和客家八音,以及将二者混合在一起的旋律。
After a brief pause, the other writer, who had enjoyed a degree of commercial success years earlier, turned to me and said in the chilliest of tones, “I didn't think you had to write for money.───短暂的停顿之后,另一名作家(她早些年已经迎来了某种程度的商业成功)转向我,用最冰冷的语调说,“我不认为你必须为钱写作。” 我惶恐极了,以至于僵硬地微笑着。
- tones and i
- tones and i fly away