time constants───[物]时间常数,时间常量
time constant───[物]时间常数,时间常量
impose constraints───施加约束
time consuming───adj.耗费时间的;旷日持久的
to constrain───约束
lattice constants───晶格常数
Dirac constants───狄拉克常数
We have to settle for evolving the code as best we can under the time constraints.───我们必须在时间的限制之下尽最大努力来满足于改进编码。
These views can include time constraints for when the view is used.───这些视图可以包括有关何时使用该视图的时间约束。
Realize time constraints, be optimistic.───明白你有时间上的限制。还要乐观些。
Due to time constraints with production, the prototype was not produced so we did not move forward with the figure.───由于与生产时间的限制,原型制作的,所以我们没有做不动的数字前进。
"We're very proud of what we achieved dealing with a demanding design under tight cost and time constraints, " he said.───“我们非常有什么根据,我们严格的成本和时间的限制,要求设计处理的成就感到自豪,”他说。
The Delegation asked for more clarification and , like the Delegation of Switzerland , recognized the time constraints of the IIM .───同其它代表团一样,它也要求作出进一步澄清,以便确认目标是避免重复。
As the compilation of time constraints, the level editor is limited, please correct me, for future revision and improvement.───由于编撰时间仓促,编者水平有限,敬请指正,以便日后修订完善。
Due to time constraints and limitations of skills and equipment, the system has some faults and can be further enhanced.───由于时间仓促,(一)些技术和设备所限,该系统存在(一)些不足之处,有待进(一)步改进和完善。
Third, pregnancy ovulation by time constraints, while HIV infection is not subject to any time limit.───第三、怀孕受排卵时间的限制,而艾滋病病毒感染不受任何时间限制。
The paper propose some improvements on the scheduling optimization algorithm under strong time constraints which bases on the associativity and distributivity properties of arithmetic operations.
The primary mission of industrial production managers is planning the production schedule within budgetary limitations and time constraints.
Federal officials said those beneficiaries would not be affected unless their state has more liberal time constraints.
Decisions regarding trade-offs between the concreteness of learning experiences and time constraints have to be made continually by the instructor .
Classical behavior planning technologies are not enough to represent the time constraints, so they are not good for the operation planning problem.
The second is to break the three restrictions : First, time constraints, the full five years after the original building permit workers listed restrictions.
For 56 per cent this was down to time constraints, whilst 33 per cent cited cost as the reason.
With these variables the time constraints among activities of network plan can be automatically satisfied during the whole computing process. Thus, infeasible solutions can be avoided.
Unless there are serious time constraints, foreplay should never be skipped.
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