

词汇 thrown around
释义 thrown around
thrown around发音




throw around───到处乱扔

throws around───到处乱扔

throwing around───到处乱扔

shown around───带领…参观

threw around───到处乱扔

show around───带领…参观

shows around───带领…参观

thrown about───到处扔;舞动

turn around───转向反方向;(生意或经济)好转;船只留港


term that I hear thrown around often is "good life", eg "he lived a good life".───我经常听到的词就是“美好生活”,比如,“他过着美好的生活”。

That exceeds the numbers being thrown around for the whole country yesterday.───而这一数字在昨天的时候也在全国的统计数据中被刷新了。

For the next seven months you will hear words like "momentum" get thrown around.───接下来的七个月你将会听到像“冲力”这样的一些词被人们丢弃。

Yes I know I? ve thrown around the word applicability a lot, but allow me to finish.───我承认我用了很多“可行性”这个词,先让我说完。

Soon after, the bank lost the plot, with precious equity thrown around without much respect for long-term returns.───不久,花旗就失去了理智,将宝贵的资产随意乱投,而不考虑长期的回报。

suddenly , he felt an arm thrown around his body , and a well - known voice behind him exclaimed , " father - dear father ! "───突然他觉得一只手臂拦腰抱住了他,随即一个熟悉的声音在耳边喊起来,“父亲!亲爱的父亲!”

The term professional is thrown around quite a bit these days, perhaps too much.───现在,专业人士这个词随处可见,或许有些泛滥。

As the 2012 campaign gets under way, there have been a lot of numbers thrown around.───在2012的选战即将打响之际,分析家们对这一数字的猜测也是众说纷纭。

Laurel. . . umm, well, I remember Laurel had just been married and she walked in with a pink Pashmina scarf, thrown around her shoulders.───唔,我记得那时Laurel刚结婚了,她走进来时,肩膀上绕着一条粉红色的羊毛披肩。


He then added his own slapstick comedy, each night diving head first through a serving hatch and generally being thrown around.

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. Muhammad Ali 

The juggernaut bucked and the poet held on to the side to prevent himself being thrown around.

The name that I've heard thrown around a lot is Jim Morrison.

Other stories spoke of poltergeist effects such as objects being thrown around the house and objects of the dead person mysteriously moving.

What am I doing out there rolling around and being thrown around and groping myself?

  • thrown forward
  • thrown off
  • thrown out




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