

词汇 besides that
释义 besides that
besides that发音



being that───因为

fireside chat───炉边谈话

beside the mark───不相关;没有打中目标

be all that───就这样吧



less than───小于;少于;不到


Besides that, we mainly went public with what we are doing to attract some early adopters from our SDN community, and we got a couple of developers interested.───除此之外,我们很想把我们正在做的发布出去,从我们的SDN社区中吸引一些先期的投入者。

And besides that, lest that not be enough to make sure everyone can succeed in a course like this, we have a very diligent teaching fellow who not only likes to scribe the courses lectures.───另外,为了让大家都能,学好这门课,我们有一个很勤奋的助教,他很乐意记录下课程教案。

Besides that, the company built its own research institution in the American silicon valley and its branch in Taiwan.───公司总部立足上海,在美国硅谷设立了研发中心,同时在台湾建有办事处。

You know, besides, that the "China" - the only steamer he could have taken from New York to get here in time - arrived yesterday.───再说,你们都知道,斐利亚·福克要想从纽约按时赶到利物浦,他只有搭中国号这条邮船。可是这条船昨天就到了。

Then said the Virgin Mary, "Thou hast not obeyed me, and besides that thou hast lied, thou art no longer worthy to be in heaven. "───圣母玛利亚说:“你没有听我的话,而且你还撒谎。你不配再在天堂住下去了。”

What I think doesn't matter. You've got to be happy with what you do. Besides, that decision was made years ago, wasn't it?───我怎么想都无关紧要,你要作自己喜欢的工作,而且,你好几年前就作决定了,对不对?

Besides that, he would also be remembered for trying to keep peace among his relatives.───除此之外,我们还将记住他为维持亲属间和睦关系所作出的努力。

And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might enquire of him?───约沙法说,这里不是还有耶和华的先知,我们可以求问他吗。


Besides that, he provided transnational bank service for the Hong Kong clients.

And besides that the influence of existentialism on Murdoch is explored. Murdoch was greatly influenced by the existentialist philosopher Sartre.

Besides that, the realizability of the similarity criterion for the PER walls' modeling in actual wind tunnel tests was investigated.

Besides that, not all Americans are inveterate huggers anyway.

Besides that, he used the intimate form of address, tum.

Besides that, we presents the gravitational wave energy density under the weak field situation and gives the x - y plane numerical calculation to curvature scalar R and energy density .

Besides that, I prefer East Indian.

Besides that, Howard has become more than just a dunker by developing his offensive game to include more hook shots.

Besides that, the room was so cold that the water and the pipes were icy.

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