

词汇 threw down
释义 threw down
threw down发音



throw down───推翻;扔掉

throw downs───推翻;扔掉

thrown down───推翻;扔掉

throws down───推翻;扔掉


tore down───v.扯下;诋毁;拆卸;逐条驳斥

blew down───炸毁;吹倒

chow down───吃饭;大快朵颐

take down───记下;拿下;拆卸;病倒


The slops she threw down sprinkled me all over.───她泼下来的脏水全都洒在了我的身上。

Arriving on top, he threw down his load, breathing in the pure, fresh air.───到了顶上,他放下担子,呼吸着纯净的清新空气。

Kearney cursed and threw down his radio.───科尼尔咒骂着扔下无线收音机。

Mr. Bird came into the house. He threw down the wood and sat down at the table. He did not speak to Mr. Mouse or Mrs. Loaf.───鸟先生走进屋里,他扔下柴火,在餐桌旁坐下,他没有和老鼠先生或面包夫人说话。

Finally the enemy surrendered. They threw down their weapons and walked out of the home with their hands over their heads.───(最后敌人投降了。他们放下武器,举起双手走出家门。)通过后一句对。

The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down and prayed to Hercules. "Hercules, help me, please, " he said.───御夫扔下鞭子,跪在地上向大力神祈求说:“大力神,请帮帮我吧!”

He shinned up the nearest tree, threw down a couple of coconuts, then chopped the tops off with a machete and handed one to me.───他爬上最近的一棵树,扔下几个椰子,用小刀切掉顶部,递了一个给我。

" That's what I was fishing for, " replied the soldier as he threw down his gun, pocketed the discharge and immediately left camp.───士兵回答说:「这就是我要钓的东西。」他抛下枪,把退伍书放进口袋,马上离开军营。

When he could stand it no longer, he threw down his palette, took her in his arms and kissed her.───最后他受不了了,便扔下调色板,把她抱在怀里亲吻了她。


The regional parliament threw down a new challenge to the central authorities by passing a law allowing private ownership of businesses.

The committee threw down this suggestion.

The slops she threw down sprinkled me all over.

They threw down the challenge that he couldn't wash 40 cars in one hour .

Marion threw down the book in disgust.

He threw down the book and went out.

He threw down his rifle and ran from the battlefield.

The soldiers threw down their arms.

Finally, they threw down the dictator.

  • threw an exception
  • threw down
  • threwswap out




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