the foregoing───刚提及的事物;前述事项
the treatment───治疗
the Creation───创世纪(文学作品名)
the drink───喝点什么
In a manner of speaking. You are in one of the Soft Places, at the edge of the Dreaming.───从某方面来说,你在一个柔软的地方,在梦的边缘。
When the dreaming state of REM sleep was discovered in 1951, it was described as a "new continent in the brain" [source: Schaffer].───当1951年快速眼动睡眠状态被发现的时候,它被描述成“大脑的新大陆”【来源:谢弗】。
Normally, during the dreaming part of sleep (called the rapid eye movement or REM part of sleep), the body is paralyzed.───一般来说,在做梦过程中(被称为快速眼球转动或快速眼动睡眠),身体处于瘫痪状态。
Models in fashion industry are the dreaming profession for a lot of young girls.───许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。
Usually, it is investors who do the dreaming and a shortage of cash, often induced by central bankers, that causes the crash.───通常导致危机爆发的,是白日做梦的投资者和市面上资金不足两个因素——后者一般由央行引发。
Many of the paintings depict aerial landscape views and epic journeys of the 'dreaming, ' an Aboriginal creation myth.───其中许多作品描绘的是空中鸟瞰图和土著人创世神话“梦幻时代”的史诗旅程。
Yet many of these people proceed beyond the dreaming stage.
The Dreaming And Scheming phase is the phase where you begin to conceptualize what you want to create.
The dreaming spires had etched themselves deeply on my imagination.
The Dreaming is a typical "self-power conative behavior."
- the money tree
- the person i like
- there is a box
- the derryo
- the the
- the study
- the wall
- the public
- the old course
- theism define
- there is on
- the surf
- the day come
- the bell rings
- ther re
- the the thwal
- the yellow river
- the most
- these socks
- there is for
- the red coat