that's life───生活本就如此;这就是人生;生之乐章(歌曲名,That'sLife)
al fine───到结尾为止
gas fire───煤气取暖炉
just fine───好好的(歌曲名)
spot fine───现场罚款
that is───即;就是说;换言之
If you still want to use it, thats fine, make sure you clean and maintain the humidifier in good shape.───如果你仍然希望使用加湿器,你就需要经常清洗它,以保持好的状态。
You might like to store templates in subdirectories of your template directory, and thats fine.───你可能会考虑把模板存放在你模板目录的子目录中,这非常好。
Mrs. Reed: Thats fine. Thank you, Ill come then.───雷德太太: 很好。谢谢你。到时我会来的。
Thats fine, we can use him to clean up Saddler for us. We'll let them fight it out. Neither one of them will manage to come out unharmed.───是吗。嗯。里昂还真不容易死。无所谓,我们可以利用他对付撒得勒。让他们去自相残杀吧。不管获胜的是谁,剩下的一方没可能全身而退。
Someone needs to step up, and if its Clinton, thats fine with me.───总得的有人站出来,如果这人是克林顿,我没意见。
yes , we thank god for friday , thats fine . but when we only say tgif , we re only getting one seventh of the benefits we could be getting.───我们为星期五感谢神并没有问题,但若你只重视期五,你只能得到七分之一应得的东西。
and keep on talking that mess, thats fine. could you walk and talk, at the same time?───很好!继续讲胡言乱语。你能边走边谈在同一时间?
thats fine i need a get energized, cuhs through these past few days───多数民众赞成罚款我需要获得活力,通过这些过去的几天里
And keep talking that mess, thats fine───你一直在谈论那件事情,无所谓
- thats it
- thats thestwle
- thats thestwleitisinthestudy
- thats nice
- thats gril
- thats life
- thats fine
- thats sad
- thats a dear
- thats true
- thats expensive