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词汇 tax return
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tax returns───纳税申报单;捐税收入

day return───即日来回票

to return───归还;返回

total return───总收益;总报酬

day returns───即日来回票

safe return───平安归来

VAT return───增值税申报表

by return───立即回答,立即回复;由下一班邮递带回;由原班回程邮递带回

in return───adv.作为报答


Tax return form may be the responsibility of the associate.───员工可能需要填具税务申报单.

Or filed a tax return?───也没填过纳税申报单?

Should welfare corporations pay corporate tax because tax return of policies.───福利型企业,因享受政策返还的增值税,是否缴纳企业所得税?

Filing a false tax return is under the penalties of perjury to taxing authorities.───提交虚假税收申请表将以对税务当局作伪证论处。

How should Mr. Green file his tax return on income from the author's remuneration?───格林先生取得一笔稿费应缴什么税?

The person fails to file a tax return required by the civil tax code.───依据税收民事法律规范应当填报纳税申报表而未填报者.

The new tax return forms only confuse.───这种新的纳税申报单形式只会把人弄糊涂.

Taxpayer: it is the first time for me to file tax return. Can you direct me?───纳税人: 我是第一次填写申报表, 能指点一下 吗 ?

X: Please show me your tax payment receipt and tax return forms.───谢: 请出示您的完税凭证和税单.

He assist me with my income tax return.───他帮助我填写所得税申报单.

These consecutive policies are doubtlessly reinforcement signals for individual income tax return inspection.───总局连续出台的这些政策,无疑是对个人所得税加强监管的信号.

Do you feel the IRS will accept your ballpark figure income tax return?───你想税务局能接受你年终报税的大约数字 吗 ?

When was your last federal income tax return filed?───你最后填报联邦入息税表是那一年?

His gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return.───他的总收入高到了他不得提出纳税申请.

Most Americans are required to file an annual income tax return.───绝大部分美国人被要求申报每年的个人所得税.

In charge of interfacing with tax authority and conduct tax planning and apply for tax return.───负责与国家税务机关接口,执行税务计划,申请退税,获取各项国家税务优惠.

Here are my tax payment receipt and tax return forms.───这些是我的完税凭证和税单.

Taxpayer: if both the tax payable tax return overdue, what will happen?───纳税人: 缴税和申报过期了怎么办?

When should we file the tax return?───什么时间缴纳?

Company Income Tax Return of the most recent three months ( copy with seal ).───近三个月的公司营业税单 ( 复印件盖章 ).

Taxpayer: if both the tax payable tax return are overdue, what will happen?───纳税人: 如果缴税和申报同时过期了怎么办?

Taxpayer: if both the tax payable and tax return overdue, what will happen?───纳税人: 假如缴税和申报同时过期了怎么办?

Please show me your tax payment receipt and tax return forms.───请出示您的完税凭证和税单.

The tax return far more than I thought.───纳税申报比我想象的的多!

In addition , dividends distributed to all partners are reported on the partners'personal income tax return.───每个合夥人所得之公司利润可直接申报个人税.

Failure to file an income tax return can result in a fine.───不能提交收入税回报会导致罚款.

Here are your tax return forms and the acknowledgement of receipt.───这是您的税单和申报表回执.

Your latest Income Tax Demand Note or Company Business Registration Certificate and the latest Tax Return.───阁下最近之薪俸税单或公司商业登记证及最近之税单.

You should file a tax return for business.───应缴纳的是营业税.

I procrastinate doing my tax return.───我总是拖延返税。

Taxpayer : What is the time requirement for the stamp tax return?───纳税人: 印花税的申报期限是?


I completed a tax return but heard nothing more.

He assist me with my income tax return.

He filed a tax return but failed to remit what he owed.

Reclaiming this tax involves filling in a tax return, including details of your salary received and the tax deducted.

Inside was a spoof tax return with the usual warnings about false statements.

Under the Forbes plan, filing a tax return might require only two calculations.

Even the math behind a simple tax return carries assumptions that are open to challenge.

You have to fill in your tax return by tomorrow.

How to file Individual Income Tax Return in...

  • tax liability
  • tax burden
  • tax rates
  • tax reduction
  • tax breaks
  • tax incidence
  • taxonomy hierarchy
  • tax code
  • tax return
  • tax collection
  • taxonomy of fish
  • taxation without representation
  • tax deduction
  • tax incentive
  • tax evasion
  • taxes on




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