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词汇 taking over
释义 taking over
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talking over───讨论;详尽地商议;说服

making over───转让;移交;修改

raking over───v.痛骂

ticking over───慢吞吞地工作;进行缓慢

walking over───轻易地胜过;虐待;利用;走过去

asking over───请(某人)来自己家

laying over───覆盖;胜过,压倒

taken over───接管;接收

tiding over───克服,度过;度过困难时期


If they continue like this there is a danger of the mob taking over.───如果他们继续如此,就有被暴民接管的危险。

He appears to see the many barriers to trade thrown up by his rent-seeking minions as a means of preventing multinationals from taking over.───他似乎认为,他那些寻租的下属设置的许多贸易壁垒是阻止跨国公司收购的一种手段。

becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones.───当权者要欺骗营运良好的银行接管小银行越来越难。

With Maurizio out of the way, she figured there was nothing to stop her from taking over the company herself.───她认为少了莫里齐奥碍事,就没有任何事可以阻止她自己接管公司。

And opposition parties and Islamists seem to be taking over their previously non-party and mainly secular movement.───反对党和伊斯兰分子好像要接手他们先前的非党派、主力非宗教的运动。

Senator Hoar spoke strongly against the treaty. He said that taking over the Philippines would be a dangerous break with America's past.───议员Hoar强烈地反对条约。他说占领菲律宾是与美国过去的危险的决裂。

Five months after taking over the top spot from ousted chief Mark Hurd, new CEO Leo Apotheker spelled out his plan to transform HP.───自从接替被罢免的CEOMarkHurd以来5个月中,新任CEOLeoApotheker发布了他整治HP公司的计划。

Of course, everybody looks at Tracy McGrady taking over again, just as he did last season when Yao was down.───当然,每个人都把目光盯在独挑大梁的Tmac身上,可是上个赛季姚明伤停的时候,他也是这样做的。

And the feminine now is trying to be strong and to not need man and actually taking over the masculine role.───而今的女性也正在试图变得强势而不需要再去依赖男人,她们正在接管男性的角色。

  • taking my ball
  • taking buses
  • taking photos
  • taking other subjects
  • taking risks
  • taking roots
  • taking responsibilities
  • taking up
  • taking off her coat
  • taking a trip
  • taking apart
  • taking notes
  • taking serenade
  • taking care of
  • taking away
  • taking after
  • taking trips
  • taking care of chase




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