take a cab───乘坐出租车
take a walk───散步
take a class───上课;毕业考试得优等
take a bath───洗个澡
take a cue───按别人的指点行事;懂得别人的暗示
take a taxi───乘出租车,搭出租车;打的
take a chance───vt.冒险
take a gamble───冒险从事(某事)
take a sample───取样
The Spanish almost always take a call and most turn off voicemail.───西班牙人几乎总是在打电话,而且多数人会关掉自己的语音信箱.
For example, not knowing that you shouldn't take a call a screaming baby in the background.───例如, (你)不懂得不该在有孩子大吵大闹的时候打电话.
They interrupt me , finish my sentences, and sometimes take a call while I'm talking to them.───他们打断我的话, 不让我说完.有时在与我交谈的过程中打电话.
To take a call you need to completely switch away from your working environment and focus on the conversation. Other interrupts are less disruptive than that.───为了接听一个电话,你需要完全从你的工作环境中切换出来,然后专注于谈话。
Later, take a call: Hello, are you making what?───稍后, 拿起电话: 喂, 你在作甚么?
Female ( take a call ): Hello, hello!───女 ( 拿起电话 ): 喂, 你好!
I wouldn't hide them before leaving the shop; I'd carry them casually by my side and walk out as if to take a call.───在偷窃的时候,直到走出店门我都不会把偷的东西给藏起来。 我只是很随便的把它们拿在手里,然后装作接电话走出门。
Elsewhere, too, culture and history may help determine whether people talk in public or take a call.───在其他国家,文化和历史同样影响了人们是否会在公共场合交谈或接听电话。
The boss thinks is that female, take a call, very tender ground says: " Hello. "───老板以为是那个女的, 拿起电话, 非常温柔地说: “ 喂. ”
If you do take a call, you risk more than disapproving gazes.
The Spanish almost always take a call and most turn off voicemail.
- take me in you
- take bus
- take a plane
- take sth to heart
- take a ball
- take me out
- take carmanga
- take if
- take at
- take her off
- take the love to
- take off your hat
- take my
- take to him
- take the taxi
- take works
- take pains
- take a moment
- taken up
- take my way
- take tennis lessons