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词汇 sweeps away
释义 sweeps away
sweeps away发音



keeps away───防范;不接近

seep away───渗出;漏出

sleep away───一直熟睡;用睡觉消磨(时光);用睡觉消除(头痛等)

sweats away───通过出汗而减轻

swept away───一扫而空(电影名称)

keep away───防范;不接近

strips away───除去;揭掉

sweat away───通过出汗而减轻

wears away───磨损;消磨;流逝


It's the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance and sweeps away all obstacles.───只有持续和坚定的努力,才能冲破所有的阻力,扫清所有的障碍。

It is the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.───只有不断的努力和坚定的意志才能破除一切阻力,扫清一切障碍。

It is believed the cleaning sweeps away bad luck and makes the house ready for good luck to enter.───据说,打扫可以赶走坏运气,使房子有好运气。

The storm sweeps away the threat, until the next time it reappears in the sky or up the road.───风暴卷走的威胁,直到下一次在天空或在路上再次出现。

You hold all that it can give or take away was the midge that the sun-blink brings out, and the evening wind sweeps away.───你认为人世间的得失不过是朝生暮死的蜉蝣,早晨的阳光孕育了它,一阵晚风又把它一扫而光。

A second pass then sweeps away the unmarked objects, leaving behind free memory than can be used for new allocations.───然后,第二轮访问扫除未标记的对象,将未使用的闲置内存留作新分配之用。

The quake strikes off the northeast coast, triggering a tsunami that sweeps away cars, boats and even buildings.───地震袭击了日本东南海岸,地震引发的海啸席卷了大量汽车,船舰,甚至是建筑物。

It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck.───据信清洁彩票以外的坏运气的前一年,使自己的家园准备好运气。

Non-oily, fragrance free lotion. Sweeps away all traces of eye makeup from the delicate eye area. Removes heavy-duty mascara.───温和卸去彩妆,睫毛膏等一切痕迹,清爽不刺激,深层清洁不油腻,特别使用于脆弱的眼周皮肤。


Rapid social change sweeps away centuries-old ways of doing things, creating stress and insecurity.

The land sweeps away from long areas of greenery.

Then, a new epoch of history is born which sweeps away the social relationships of the old order.

In time, when a revolution from world capitalism to world socialism sweeps away the economic base, the state will disappear.

"Whereas time sweeps away whatever dreams, only the dream of the sea..." Those shining on the "stave" of the steel pole and the dotted "musical notes" combine to present an eternal melody.

The coast sweeps ( away ) northwards in a wide curve.

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