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词汇 summer camp
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summer camps───夏令营(summercamp的复数)

summer day───夏日

summer time───n.夏令时

summer terms───夏季学期

summer times───n.夏令时

bumper car───n.碰碰车

bumper cars───碰碰车

shower cap───n.淋浴时用的塑胶浴帽

simmer dim───煨淡


Includes: Shanghai , Taishan, and Beijing Dance and the Wushu Summer Camp Opening Ceremony.───登上泰山以及北京中国民族舞蹈和中华武术夏令营开营仪式.

Though summer camp certainly realized expectation to some degrees, there are problems emerge during the activity.───尽管夏令营一定程度上实现了预期, 却也存在不少问题.

In the morning we go to meeting room atten the opening ceremony of the summer camp.───早上我们去会议室参加夏令营的开营仪式,好多人啊.

A child's first experience at summer camp can be difficult, however.───然而, 儿童初次经历夏令营可能有些困难.

This feels like summer camp.───这令我觉得像是身在夏令营。

A recap of the events of the day at English summer camp.───核心英语夏令营第六天与第七天的精彩活动视频.

Summer Camp: place young people go during summer.───夏令营: 夏天的时候年轻人去的地方.

Parents packed off their children to summer camp.───家长们把孩子都送到夏令营去.

Today is summer solstice so welcome to Nisha's summer camp!───今天是下夏至,所以啰,欢迎来到妮莎的夏令营!

I hereby apply for the Juniors Summer Camp of Suzhou Taihu Golf Academy and declare informationauthentic.───我有兴趣参加苏州太湖高尔夫学院举办的“我爱高尔夫”青少年高球夏令营并如实填写下表.

He entreated his father not to send him to summer camp.───他恳求父亲不要送他去夏令营.

When you were 14 years old, she paid for a month away at summer camp.───你14岁时, 她花钱让你去参加为期一月的夏令营.

J : Summer Camp? Was it fun?───夏令营? 好玩 吗 ?

The summer camp started on July 16 and will end on July 27.───夏令营七月十六日开营,在七月二十七日结束.

Every year, he and his friends would go to summer camp.───每年, 他和朋友们都要去夏令营.

Bobby: Summer camp sounds like something for kooks.───鲍比: 夏令营听起来像是疯子们做的事.

She had gone to summer camp.───她去夏令营了。

I go to Kensington for summer camp.───我去坎辛顿学校夏令营.

We had a lot of fun at the summer camp.───我们有很多乐趣在夏令营.

The problems in summer camp are also meaningful to Pilot Project and Teaching Excellence Award.───夏令营当中发现的问题对基金会的领航计划以及杰出教师奖都有着一定的借鉴意义.

At the summer camp we live in each other's pocket.───在夏令营,我们经常在一起.

If it's all year round , why do you have summer camp here, in Oberstdorf?───如果是全年有冰, 为什么你们在Oberstdorf这里参加夏令营?

I will take part in the summer camp to Qingdao.───我会参加去青岛的夏令营活动.

you ever go to summer camp?───你有去过夏令营吗?

Move into the hotel room, refresh and change into the summer camp uniform.───入住房间, 简单梳洗并换夏令营指定营服.

At the summer camp we lived in each other's pockets.───在“夏令营”,我们经常在一起.

I want to hire a minibus for our summer camp in August.───我想为我们八月份的夏令营租一辆小型公共汽车.

During the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp.───在2000年的夏季, 他在夏令营度过了四个星期.

He became a counselor of the summer camp helping teacher supervise boys and girls.───他成了夏令营的管理员,帮助老师管理孩子们.

Jane: I was in the summer camp.───简: 我在度夏令营.

We had a summer camp on vacation.───我们假期去夏令营了.

This is a job, not some kind of damn summer camp!───这是工作, 不是什么该死的夏令营!

  • summer air
  • summer dance
  • summer cups
  • summer semester
  • summer holiday
  • summer fruit
  • summer vibe
  • summer lost
  • summer up
  • summer song
  • summer break
  • summer job
  • summer kitchen
  • summer dream
  • summer outing
  • summer blue
  • summer party
  • summer may
  • summer bultimately




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