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stumbled across───偶然发现

stumbles across───偶然发现

to stumble across───偶然发现

stumbling across───偶然发现

double cross───出卖;欺骗

came across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

come across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象


stumble back───蹒跚后退


You stumble across some great ones and you say, "This is fantastic, why doesn't somebody just make a list of all the great pieces so I don't have to look at the rest."───你只能很偶然得碰到一些重要的东西,于是你说:“真荒谬,为什么没有人把所有重要的片段收集起来做一个列表,这样我就不需要自己把其它的找出来。”

If you stumble across the book, keep it for me.───如果你碰巧看到那本书, 就给我留下.

I love to hear from people who stumble across this corner of the universe.───我喜欢听谁的人在这个宇宙角落绊倒.我已阅读并回答我的电子邮件.

Or you accidentally stumble across some unusual snapshots from his overseas " business trip. "───你也可能会意外地发现他在海外 “ 出差 ” 时拍下的不寻常的照片.

If your timing is right, you may be fortunate enough to stumble across a village fiesta.───如果你时机把握得好,你会幸运地撞上某个乡村节日。

Say you stumble across a news story you like. You "Digg" it, by clicking a link at the end of the story.───如果您偶然发现一个喜欢的新故事,那么您就可以通过点击故事下面的链接来发掘它。

You never knew when you might stumble across some new talent.───谁也说不准什么时候会碰上一位新的天才.

They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector.───他们跌跌撞撞地穿过一座鬼城,那里住着一个泼皮无赖的掘金者。


If you do happen to stumble across them at any time in the future, burn them.

And that was really it until I stumble across her at the Pierpont Morgan Library.

Or you accidentally stumble across some unusual snapshots from his overseas " business trip. "

An hour later and our gasping, sweaty bodies stumble across the boulders of the gully's scree fan.

They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector.

He parodied my groping stumble across the stage to the podium and gathered up the skirt to reveal hairy legs and bloomers.

Every now and then, I stumble across a product that reminds me why I am so fascinated by computers.

You might stumble across a phrase or image that seems possible, but as a whole this faux scrapbook reeks.

They sleep during the day, so if you stumble across one and startle it awake, they can be dangerous.

  • stumbled into
  • stumbled the hall
  • stumbled upon




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