strike it lucky───撞大运(电视节目名,StrikeItLucky)
a stroke of work───一点工作
be out of luck───运气不好
out of luck───运气不好
strike lucky───好彩(香烟品牌)
take pot luck───无可选择地;吃家常便饭
to strike it lucky───运气好吗
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.───别忘了,塞翁失马,焉知非福.
It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck.───天没下雨,结果成了件幸事。
But Napoleon , by a stroke of luck , was able to build two new bridges.───侥幸的是,拿破仑居然突击造起两座桥.
What allowed them enough air in the first place was an unexpected stroke of luck.───能使他俩有足够空气的首先是偶然的运气.
A stroke of luck.───一次幸运.
What a stroke of luck to meet you here!───在这儿碰到你真是幸运!
What a stroke of luck!───多么幸运 啊 !
It will a stroke of luck to get there on time.───除非有大运气从天而降,否则我们很难及时到那.
It was a stroke of luck that I found you here.───我在这里碰见你真是运气.
Ninth grade, by a stroke of luck , I testedsintosmy current high school, Archbishop Moeller High.───九年级那年, 我考上了辛辛那提市一所私立男校 —— 默乐高中.
Remember not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.───记住,有的时候,得不到自己想要得东西,反而是一桩幸事.
of luck. Someone with the online handle Quotemstr asked Heap to join a specific chatroom.───quotemstr是 #haystacknetwork的创建者和网络审查研究中心研究中心的科技总监)的人邀请西普加入一个专门的聊天室。
But he might not have got far had it not been for a stroke of luck.───不过,若非是鸿运当头,他也许不可能取得现在的成就。
This was a stroke of luck. He could get a good price for dyeing.───真走运, 染发的价格可比别的高.
Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.───记住如果有时候没有得到你想要的,其实这是在攒运气呢。
Apaza is still waiting for a stroke of luck.───阿帕萨依然等待幸运降临.
It will take a stroke of luck to get there on time.───能否按时到那儿就要看你的运气了.
Glass was discovered by a stroke of luck.───玻璃的发现源于机缘巧合.
That, it turned out, was a stroke of luck.
Then I had a stroke of luck.
In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available.
By a stroke of luck I came across it in a local bookshop.
The caravan had been a stroke of luck.
It was a stroke of luck that we found you.
By a stroke of luck, someone else was walking along the path and heard my shouts for help.
It was a stroke of luck that I found you here.
But it's a stroke of luck.
- stroke rate
- stroke of luck
- stroke dead center iv