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词汇 street cleaners
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street cleaner───清道夫;清洁工

street cleaning───清扫街道

street corner───街角,街头

street levels───街道标高;街面

street plans───街道平面图

street sweepers───清道夫;清路机

street theater───n.街头剧场


like street cleaners, our wages haven't really risen," he says.───像我们这样的清洁工,工资没有真正涨过,”他说。

On the way I saw street cleaners burning dry leaves.───路上我看到清洁工正在烧树叶。

Street cleaners saw four guys go into the lockup, five minutes later, shooting started.───街上的清洁工看到四个男人走进保管处,五分钟后发生了枪击。

Pro heard now seems very common occupation -- street cleaners, to the farmer that haughty tone when speaking with a disdainful expression.───亲闻过如今看来很普通的职业——马路清洁工,对农民说话时那种高傲的语气与不屑的神情。

In no other city have I seen street cleaners using utensils the size of toothbrushes to get those irksome marks off the pavement.───在其它城市,我不会看到有街道清洁工使用只有牙刷大小的工具,清除人行道上烦人的痕迹。

Being a journalist, you could be equal with street cleaners, and Ministers, even Prime Ministers or the heads of states.───作为一名记者,你可以平等地对待清洁工、部长,甚至首相或国家元首。

Free time was the greatest privilege in the Soviet Union and, as street cleaners, we had time to talk, read and write.───在前苏联,闲暇是最大的特权,作为马路清洁工,我们有时间交谈、读书和写作。

Without street cleaners and road crews, our grand boulevards and superhighways would start to crack and buckle in a matter of months.───没有街道清洁工,马路维护人员,我们神气的林荫大道、高速公路将不过短短数月后便开始出现裂缝,弯曲变形。

Morning, Jesus had not come yet, do the one poor street cleaners appeared, hand broom, in the cold frozen body.───上午耶稣还没来,倒有个可怜的清道夫,手拿扫把,在寒风中冻僵了身子。


Using this information, it reassigned its street cleaners and began to reward crews that made the greatest improvements.

Altecean street cleaners were piling the litter with their long rakes.

I have noticed that Australians like a uniform with shorts. Street cleaners, postmen, life guards, park rangers, police and fast food outlets all proudly display their knees.

  • street fighting
  • street cred
  • street justice
  • street price
  • street furniture
  • streets of laredo
  • street cleaners
  • streets of London
  • street clothes
  • street fair
  • street smarts
  • streets of rage 4
  • street name
  • street wear
  • street dance of china
  • street level
  • street number
  • street address
  • street dance
  • street map
  • street girl




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