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as to───至于,关于;就……而论

go to───v.转到;定位

on to───向

up to───一直到;相当于;忙于…,在做…;由…决定的







Press Ctrl + s to save your changes.───按Ctrl + s来保存您的修改。

We decided that we needed to change our target market from the over-45's to the 35-45's.───我们决定有必要把目标市场从45岁以上人群调整为35–45 岁之间的人群。

Pres Ctrl+S to save your changes.───Ctrl+S 来保存您的修改。

Am I stupid enough to risk my entire future career and also my son's to tell a lie or joke like this?───我笨,足以风险,我整个未来的职业生涯,也是我的儿子,以撒谎或笑话,是这样的吗?

If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar's, to him I say, that Brutus' love to Caesar was no less than his.───要是在今天在场的群众中间,有什么人是凯撒的好朋友,我要对他说,勃鲁托斯也是和他同样地爱着凯撒。

The Rorschach tests have been used since the 1920's to determine psychological disorders through the analysis of images.───罗夏测试从20世纪20年代开始得到使用,通过分析图像判断心理是否出现紊乱。

The Visualize menu, shown in Figure 6, allows you to add the selected element(s) to a new Sequence Diagram, Topic Diagram, or Class Diagram.───Visualize菜单,如图6所示,允许您将所选的元素添加到新的序列图、Topic图,或类图中。

It was the available resources and personnel that enabled the U. S. to achieve the production and efficiency required to win the war.───正是可用可得的资源与人员,使美军能达成所需的生产和效率以赢得战争。

To pick up or not, or to lost face or not, it's to-be-or-not-to-be question for those with less experiences on the phone.───接还是不接,丢脸还是张脸,对于那些用英语打电话没多少经验的人来说真是一个棘手的问题。


He has no pretension ( s ) to learning.

The effect of these gradients s to cause the nuclear magnetic resonance signal to form a series of spin echoes.

The volcano eruption forced the U.S. to abandon Clark Air Force Base.

They decided to emigrate to the live in New York.

Our eye react s to light.

This has enabled M.P.s to build up considerable expertise in their chosen fields.

He makes no pretension ( s ) to skill.

S., to seek cooperation in the Persian Gulf.

Investors were shifting funds from U.S. to Asian stocks.

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