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词汇 step backward
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step back───后退,退后;无意义

know backwards───向后看

move backwards───向后移动;后退

topple backwards───向后倒下



run backwards───向后跑


If bad loan decisions don't come with consequences, Banks will end up taking a major step backward in their effort to operate on commercial terms, not political ones.───如果因决策失误导致坏账却不必承担后果,银行最终将在依据商业条件而非政治考量进行操作方面倒退一大步。

The current U.S. farm bill, however, is a big step backward.───然而,目前的美国农业法却倒退了一大步。

Likewise, if the woman must lift, it is safest for her to lift cross-court so that all she has to do is take a step backward to defend.───同样的,如果女选手要起高球,最好的方法就是起斜线球给对方的男选手,以便她能够退后一步进行防守。

Feinting with his left he took a half-step backward, at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right.───他假装用左拳进攻,可以马上退后半步,把右拳用全力向上猛攻。

She began to step backward toward the door, when something about her plaintive face attracted him.───她开始向门口落后,这时她悲哀的脸吸引了他。

As he took a step backward, the magician turned to face him, fixing him with a pair of unsettlingly deep brown eyes.───当他后撤了一步时,法师转过身来,一双让人不安的深褐色眼睛注视着他。

It looked like a sizable step backward for women in Libya, said The New York Times.───《纽约时报》评论称,这是一项引发利比亚女性地位倒退的制度。

"This is a direct attack on the media and a step backward for democracy, " he said.───他说,“这是直接攻击媒体,是民主的一步倒退。”


If bad loan decisions don't come with consequences, banks will end up taking a major step backward in their effort to operate on commercial terms, not political ones.

Mr Liebenow worries that widespread disappointment, combined with domestic pressures, will prompt some Latin nations to step backward.

At one point I took a step backward and went tumbling.

Hannah took a step backward.

He took a quick step backward.

She rose and took a tentative step backward.

For each step forward in market technology they took a step backward in human evolution.

Just a slow blink and a shuffling step backward.

She began to step backward toward the door, when something about her plaintive face attracted him.

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