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词汇 staying power
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n.忍耐,忍耐力,持久力; 恒劲



staying powers───n.忍耐,忍耐力;持久力


stopping power───[物]阻止本领;制动能力;停止作用

braking power───[车辆]制动功率

buying power───[经]购买力

heating power───发热量(能力)

stopping powers───阻止能力


It also calls into question staying power of a recent stock market rally.───同时它还质疑最近股市回升的持久性.

Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.───缺乏耐力和毅力的人不可能成为出色的研究员。

That and his talent will probably give him some real staying power in the industry.───这和他的才能会可能给他一些真正持久力的产业.

The horse lacks staying power.───这马缺乏耐力.

The crumbling of the old Davos consensus looks like a trend with staying power.───看上去,达沃斯旧有共识的崩溃像是一种具有持久力的趋势.

Musk is essential to perfumery because it has important elements of diffusion and staying power.───麝香是香水的基本原料,因为它有重要的扩散且持久的功效.

Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.───缺乏耐力和毅力的人不可能成为一个出色的研究人员。

The more pitches he can command, the more staying power he may have.───只要王建民能掌握愈多球种,他的大联盟寿命就会愈来愈长.

"A cashmere sweater still thrills me," she admits. "It has wonderful staying power; it looks chic and modern."───“羊绒衫仍是我的最爱,”她承认,“它不会过时,看起来既漂亮又时尚。”

The past 60 years have shown it is foolish to underestimate the Communist party's staying power.───过去的60年说明,小看中国共产党的执政能力是愚蠢的.

He is working flat out, but with the staying power that helped him break records and win titles through a long and successful athletics career.───他正全力展开工作,在他漫长而成功的体育生涯中帮他打破多项纪录、获得多块奖牌的忍耐力现在支撑着他。

TIME talked to Cronin about his scope for catastrophe and the staying power of the vampire story.───时代周刊》与克罗宁一起谈论了他对书中灾难的把握尺度以及这本吸血鬼小说的持久力。

Who you are is what has staying power.───你是怎样一个人才是真正持久的.

It clearly has staying power.───它显然是有后劲的.

You are likely to win because your capital provides greater staying power.───你可能会赢是因为你的资金能保证你坚持的时间长.


Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.

  • staying power
  • staying alive




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