

词汇 spring chicken
释义 spring chicken
spring chicken发音



spring chickens───n.童子鸡;年轻人(年轻幼稚的女子)

no spring chicken───不再是年轻的女人;不再是少女;不年轻了;半老徐娘

spring catches───弹簧销,弹簧挡

prairie chicken───北美草原松鸡

city chicken───软煎鸡肉;牛猪肉片交叠串烤肉

lean chicken───瘦肉鸡

no chicken───不再是小孩

play chicken───为吓倒对方互相挑战和威胁

spring back───回弹;弹性回复


Mr. Dick is a spring chicken, and he can play tennis well.───迪克先生很年轻, 网球打得很好.

Scholes looked spring chicken , in sublime form if , here, given the freedom of the park.───斯科尔斯看上去就是返老还童, 在这里他得到了自由空间.

I'm no spring chicken, you know!───我已经不再年轻了, 你知道的.

When you reach 60, you will be no spring chicken.───当你达到60岁,你就不年轻了。

Oh, he's a real spring chicken, always full of energy.───喔, 他可真是个老当益壮的人, 永远充满活力呢.

No , she isn't a spring chicken.───不, 她已不再是年轻美眉了.

Grandma just celebrated her 90 th birthday. She's spring chicken.───奶奶才刚庆祝完九十岁生日, 她年纪实在是不小了.

At 85, he is no spring chicken, but Henry Cook is busier than ever.───亨利·库克已85岁,不再年轻了,但他比以往更加忙碌。

I am a spring chicken, but I lie about my age to get served in bars.───我年纪还小, 不过去酒吧时我得虚报年龄,这样可以获准喝酒.

She's no spring chicken , is she?───她 已经 不是黄毛丫头了, 对 吧 ?

Grandma can't run and play the ball the way she used to. She spring chicken.───奶奶不能 像 以前那样跑步和打球了. 她老了.

I'm over forty, so I'm not a spring chicken any more.───我是超过四十, 因此我再不是一只童子鸡.

Grandpa said he's no spring chicken.───祖父说他不是不经世故的人.

She is no spring chicken and never expects to find love again.───她不年轻了,不敢期待找到爱人.

Fill the spring chicken with the farce. Roll it carefully.───把鸡胸肉馅料酿在春鸡肉上, 小心地卷起.

Mrs. Gray may not be a granny, but she's certainly no spring chicken.───格雷夫人也许还不算老太太, 但是她的年纪肯定不小啦.

She is no spring chicken.───她已经不是小孩子了.

I don't know his age, but he's no spring chicken.───我不知道他有多大年龄, 但他决不是一个黄毛小子了.

he is no spring chicken, but he is busier than ever.───他已不再年轻,但他比以往都要忙碌。

T depiction things Qianshan painting, spring chicken at all corners of the country.───笔描万物千山画, 鸡报五湖四海春. 喜今日银河初读,愿来年玉树生枝.

She is no longer spring chicken though I don't know her age.───虽然我不知道她的年龄,但她不再年轻了.

Now let's talk about my sister. She is not very young. She is no spring chicken.───现在来谈谈我的妹妹. 她不年轻了. 她已经不是小孩子了.

You are not a spring chicken, but ho is. You should know how to help him.───你不是年轻人, 但他是, 你应该知道如何帮助他.

I'm no spring chicken.───我不年轻啦.

Kelly: No way. I've got to take it easy tonight. I'm no spring chicken, you know!───凯莉: 不要. 我今晚要好好放松一下. 我已经不年轻了, 你知道的.

Mrs. Gray may not be a granny, but she's certainly spring chicken.───格雷夫人也许还不算老太太, 但是她的年纪肯定不小.

's boiled spring chicken .───煮春鸡。


At 85, he is no spring chicken, but Henry Cook is busier than ever.

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