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词汇 sore throat
释义 sore throat
sore throat发音




sore throats───喉咙痛

strep throat───链球菌性喉炎;脓毒性咽喉炎

strep throats───链球菌性喉炎;脓毒性咽喉炎


deep throat───内幕消息来源,内部检举人

idle threat───无效的威胁;虚声恫吓

more than───多于;超出;比……多

to troat───践踏

shore terrace───海滨阶地


Symptoms include a sore throat.───症状包括嗓子疼。

B I've just got a sore throat.───B我的喉咙很痛.

A condition, as severe sore throat, in which spasmodic attacks of suffocating pain occur.───咽痛一种出现痉挛性窒息的情况, 如严重的咽部疼痛.

Sore throat or swollen glands?───喉咙痛不痛?扁桃腺有肿起来 吗 ?

He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool.───他假托喉痛不到校上课.

Mary has a bad cold and sore throat.───玛丽患了重感冒而且咽喉痛.

to have a sore throat───嗓子疼

I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice.───我必须得小心,免得嗓子痛,话都说不出来。

Ruth will be absent today. she is incapacitated by a sore throat.───鲁丝今天将缺席, 喉咙痛使他不能出席.

I feel terrible. I've got a headache, backache and a sore throat.───我觉得很糟糕. 我感冒了,还背痛, 喉咙痛.

Yes, the running nose, headache and sore throat.───有, 流鼻涕 、 头痛、喉咙痛.

It's years since I've had a sore throat like I did last night.───我的喉咙已经好几年没有像昨晚那样疼了。

Acute sore throat compares effective remedial method! Be urgent!───急性咽喉炎有没有比较有效的治疗方法 啊 !急!

Swine flu can cause fever, headache head and muscle pain, cough, sore throat and stomachestomach problems.───猪流感可以导致高烧, 头疼,肌肉痛, 咳嗽, 喉咙痛和胃不舒服.

I had a sore throat and could only croak.───我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。

Sore throat results from dry weather, relief and prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.───减轻由天气乾燥而引起之咽喉痛, 预防便秘,痔疮和疥癣.

Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.───一些感染猪流感的病人出现了流鼻涕, 咽喉痛, 恶心, 呕吐以及腹泻的症状.

The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.───总统因嗓子不适而婉拒了亲自讲话。

You rise from a fitful night's sleep with a sore throat and headache.───清晨,你从昨夜不佳的睡梦中醒来并感觉头痛、嗓子痛.

She had a sore throat.───她喉咙痛。

A sore throat, a cough or a stiff neck might also be diagnosed and treatment prescribed.───喉咙痛 、 咳嗽或斜颈也可能诊断出来并指出治疗方法.

I've got a sore throat and my chest hurts.───我嗓子痛,胸口不舒服.

He has a sore throat .───他患了 喉炎

He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to school.───他以喉痛作为不去学校的借口.

BI've just got a sore throat hot drinks and I'll be OK.───我的喉咙很痛.喝些热饮后,应该就会好了.

The symptoms are sore throat, trouble in swallowing, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes on the neck.───吞咽困难 、 发热及颈部淋巴结肿大.感染时间通常持续约五天.

Other flu signs: muscle aches, headache, a runny nose, sore throat, cough, weakness, and fatigue.───其他流感扎症状: 肌肉疼痛 、 头疼 、 流鼻涕 、 嗓子疼 、 咳嗽 、 虚弱以及疲乏.

I've go a sore throat and my chest hurts.───我喉咙发炎,胸口也痛.

This medicine should soothe your sore throat.───这种药会减轻你的喉痛.

I've got a sore throat, a running nose and a heavy headache.───你嗓子痛, 流鼻涕,头也痛得厉害.看样子病的不轻,得好好休息了.

Sarah: Oh, I think I caught a bug. I have a sore throat.───莎拉: 噢, 我想我感冒了. 我喉咙痛.

Tonsil stones, appear as white spots and can be confused with a sore throat.───扁桃体结石, 白色斑点显示它的出现,并被混淆为喉咙痛.


She had a sore throat.

  • soreness underarm
  • sores on tongue
  • soreness around eye
  • sore bake
  • soreness in head
  • sorely felt
  • sorely disappointed
  • soreness around breast bone
  • sores on body




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