social evening───晚会
social evil───n.对社会大众有害的事物;社会恶习
social evils───n.对社会大众有害的事物;社会恶习
social scene───社会场景
social evenings───晚会
media event───重大新闻事件;媒介事件;炒作事件
social bee───社交蜜蜂
some events a social event is organised for speakers and exhibitors.───有一些为讲者和参展商准备的活动。
It should have been the social event of the year.───这本应该是本年度社会上的大事件了。
This pause for tea became a fashionable social event.───自此之后,茶歇就成了一种社会潮流。
Instead of accepting an invitation to a fun social event, you may be smarter to opt for a bit of relaxing time at home.───你可以精明的选择轻松的在家时间,代替可笑的社交活动。
At this time you may be called on to write a large check for a social event or to spend on behalf of a child.───在这个时候你可能被要求写一大检查的社会活动或花代表一个孩子。
You used to be able to rent or buy a tuxedo and rest easy in the knowledge that you were prepared for any formal business or social event.───你过去可以或租或买一套tuxedo(无燕尾晚宴礼服),然后就长舒一口气,认为自己准备好出席任何正式的生意或社交活动了。
Some people choose to turn this into an advantage by converting the cosmetic procedure into a social event called a Botox party.───有些人选择把它变成一个优势转化成社会事件化妆品程序称为肉毒杆菌毒素。
He's idea of a good social event was to sit by himself on a tractor and move rocks from one end of the property to another.───在他看来,如果让他一个人坐在拖拉机上,把石头从一块地的这头运到那头,就算是一次很好的社交活动。
Business-to-Business negotiations are a social event where bargaining is a part of any transaction.───商务谈判是社会事件,讨价还价是任何交易的一部分。
Susannah's party was the social event of the year.
The conference was an important social event .
We arranged a special social event once a year to which we invited our major customers.
This is the social event of the school year.
The May festival has become a major social event in the racing calendar and includes a classic trial for the Derby.
Excellent social event and good fishing.
The games start off as a social event, but players soon become competitive.
The royal wedding was 'the social event of the year.
An exam, or even an exciting social event may produce butterflies in the stomach.
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