snap bean───[园艺]食荚菜豆
snap peas───甜荷兰豆;豌豆
navy beans───海军豆
pea beans───小白粒菜豆;豌豆;菜豆
snap back───迅速返回,很快恢复
snap brims───弹边
snap pea───豌豆
soy beans───大豆;黄豆
soya beans───大豆
Snap beans were coated with edible chitosan and carboxymethyl chitosan and then compared the physiology and sense quality of each group to select the better edible coating.───分别用壳聚糖和羧甲基壳聚糖配制的涂膜液处理油豆角,比较不同处理组的生理指标及感官指标,确定保鲜效果较好的涂膜液。
But plant breeding reduced the fibers, and now beans are known as snap beans.───但是作物育种会减少纤维量, 现在大家所知道的都是食荚菜豆.
Tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, snap peas, melons and winter squash are all examples of crops suitable for vertical gardening if staked or supported properly.───西红柿、攀沿类豆荚、黄瓜、鲜脆甜豆荚,甜瓜和南瓜属作物都是适合立体种植的作物。
But plant breeding reduced the fibers, and now the beans are known as snap beans.───但是作物育种会减少纤维量,现在大家所知道的都是食荚菜豆。
Fresh keeping of snap beans with carboxymethyl chitosan edible coatings───羧甲基壳聚糖可食用膜在油豆角保鲜中的应用
Effect on the chemistry components of snap beans by using carboxymethyl chitosan edible coating───羧甲基壳聚糖可食用膜对保鲜油豆角化学成分的影响
Study on the Preservation of Snap Beans by Using Chitosan and Chitosan-Derived Materials───壳聚糖及其衍生物对油豆角保鲜效果的研究
Effect of Chitosan Edible Coating on Physiology of Snap Beans During Storage───壳聚糖可食用膜对油豆角贮藏生理的影响
Effect on Quality of Snap Beans by Coating Edible Film during Storage───可食性膜对油豆角贮藏期间品质的影响
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