

词汇 sit in the back
释义 sit in the back
sit in the back发音



stab in the back───伤人的暗箭;背叛;诽谤

pat on the back───鼓励;表扬

shot in the dark───瞎猜;乱碰

slap on the back───鼓励;恭贺,赞扬

be in the black───(银行存款)有盈余;有存款

not in the race───不参加比赛

a pat on the back───鼓励


I sit in the back wearing a harness and we usually take off the doors before flight.───我背好降落伞背带坐在飞机后座,在飞机起飞前我们会离开舱门。

Let's sit in the back row.───我们坐最后一排吧。

I think normally each day I take a few moments to sit in my house and sit in the back of the taxi.───我想通常每天我都花一些时间坐在家里或者出租车的后座。

You think, "Tell me more about this car. " The salesman states that this new revolutionary car drives itself while you sit in the back seat.───您想,“多告诉我点儿有关这辆车的信息。”销售员说,当您坐在后座上时这辆新车可以自动驾驶。

Now the black man doesn't have to sit in the back of the bus, the American people made him president and we are proud of that.───现在黑人不需要坐在公共汽车的后排了,美国人民选择了一位黑人总统,我们对此感到骄傲。

The instructor and the "driver" sit in the front seats and the other three students sit in the back.───指导员与“司机”坐前面,另外三个就坐后排。

With safety sit chair, let the child sit in the back row.───配安全坐椅,让孩子坐后排。

I tried to sit in the back most of the time so as not to participate.───大部分时间里,我总是坐在后面那样就避免参与讨论。


And so if you see a law saying blacks have to sit in the back of a trolley car, you would say, why do you need a law?

Those two always sit in the back of the room and whisper.

Let's sit in the back row.

Three bored black men sit in the back of a mini-van.

Fate drove so that Glover could sit in the back and keep Lucky calm.

I always feel sick if I sit in the back seat of the car.

The kids should sit in the back seat.

I get travel-sick if I sit in the back seat.

Unlike the other candidates, he is always ready to sit in the back of his bus shooting the breeze with reporters.

  • sit upright
  • sit off
  • sit doan
  • situated in
  • sitting on
  • sitt ng
  • situational dialogues
  • sitting pretty
  • sitz bath for hemorrhoids
  • situated learning theory
  • sit baclooknice
  • sitting still
  • sit behind
  • sit in the back
  • sits around
  • sit bythe river
  • sits next
  • sit on your hands
  • sit with us
  • sitting in
  • sit properly




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