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词汇 sinking in
释义 sinking in
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inking in───adj.上墨,用墨水在添画

drinking in───吸收

kicking in───踢开;支付;开始生效;腿打水游进;死亡

ringing in───包围;用考勤钟打下个人上班的时间;与…通电话

sending in───递送;呈报;命…进来

signing in───签到;注册;登记;签收

sitting in───列席,旁听;参加;代理

sucking in───吸收;使卷入

sinking fund───[金融]偿债基金


Bush is sinking in the opinion polls already.───民意调查中布什已经在走下坡路了。

The sun is sinking in the west.───日落西山。

The sun was sinking in the west.───太阳西坠。

Meaning : He seemed to fall into a sleep like condition. Suddenly he felt as if he were sinking in a violent ocean.───他进入了似睡非睡的朦胧状态,骤然间感觉自己好象掉进了滔滔洪水当中,不断在下沉。

As I sit here I wonder if you, my teacher, are able to tell when I am sinking in spirit and ready to quit this incredible task.───当我坐在这里,我想知道,我的老师,你有没有发现,有时候虽然我人在这里,心思却已经跑到了别的地方。

Phoebe paused, as if the word for the Italian police force might be sinking in.───菲比停顿了一会,仿佛对这个意为意大利警察组织的字眼置若罔闻。

Time has no intention of sinking in deeply entrenched in the quiet, deep night, deep thoughts of the pain, however.───时间在无意的沉沦中悄然而逝,深深的夜,深不过思念的疼痛。

Tensions have been high on the peninsula since the sinking in late March of a South Korean naval vessel.───自三月份韩国天安号军舰沉没以来,朝鲜半岛的形势一直非常紧张。

I'm slowly sinking in the fast lake of quick sand, a bottomless pool, I wish I could crawl into a rock and sleep forever.───我慢慢地陷入了无边的流沙湖中,一个无底的深渊。我只希望可以在岩石下长眠。


When sinking in thinking, the linkman often drinks pink ink.

A car has driven off the small bridge and is slowly sinking in the river.

The sun is sinking in the west.

The sun was sinking in a red glow, the lights were coming out in Eldercombe Village.

He is sinking in the estimation of his friends.

Finally she snuck around to the front of the house, feet sinking in the soft dirt.

The draining of mental and physical strength which might come from fighting and sinking in a wild sea, physically and spiritually.

The sun was sinking in the west.

There were other animals that had left tracks on top of the snow, not sinking in at all.

  • sinking feeling




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