It would be hypocritical to say I travel at 70 mph simply because that is the law.───如果仅仅因为法律规定的时速是70英里我就说自己的行驶时速是70英里,那就太虚伪了。
Most of the damage that's occurred was simply because of fallen trees.───大部分损失仅仅是因横倒在地面的树木造成的。
People look back nostalgically on the war period, simply because everyone pulled together.───人们怀旧地回忆战争时期,就因为当时大家齐心协力。
It is not the birth right of every mother to have children simply because she wants them.───每个母亲并不能简单的因为她们想要孩子就有权利去生下他们。
Such a chance was denied her simply because she was a married woman.───这一机会没有给她只因为她是一个已婚女人。
Simply because we do not speak the human language, it does not mean that we do not think and that we have no feelings.───不能仅仅因为我们不说人类语言,就认为我们不能思考,我们没有感情。
After the Master attained Enlightenment, he took to living simply -- because he found simple living to his taste.───在大师开悟之后,他开始喜欢过简朴的生活——因为他发现简朴的生活正合他的口味。
Soon, my heart bursts cramps up, my tears string sets, simply because girls pure and sad how much I love the original girl ah.───不久,我的心阵阵绞痛起来,我的泪串串落下,只因女孩的清纯和伤感,原来我是多么爱着那个女孩啊。
This client becomes widely used for authentication simply because it's easy to set up as a default since the OS is widely used.───这种客户端广泛用于认证,因为这种OS被广泛使用,所以很容易将它设定为预设值。
- simply because