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词汇 silver copper
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silver paper───银箔纸

blister copper───[材]粗铜;[冶]泡铜

silver doctor───钓鱼用的假饵

silver dollar───银元

silver foxes───银狐

silver grayer───银灰色

silver maple───银枫;银槭

silver maples───银枫;银槭

silver orfe───银奥菲


exchange's first gold futures contract is intended to be a precursor to additional product offerings for silver, copper, other metals and energy commodities.───商品交易所计划在推出首份黄金期货合约后,提供更多针对银、铜、其它金属以及能源大宗商品的期货产品。

There would be no the beautiful gold, silver copper, iron and tin.───世上不会有鲜花一样的金银铜铁锡。

Surely there was a way to keep the disinterred metal root balls sprouting in the lab, coaxing their fruit to full succulent ripeness as the noblest of metals — lead into silver, copper to gold?───真的有方法可以让这些挖掘出来的金属根茎球在实验室里继续生长,就像成熟多汁的果实一样变成贵金属 -- 从铅变成银,从铜变成金?

The former is called coins, a coin may be made of gold, silver, copper, aluminium. . .───前者称为硬币,硬币可由于金,银,铜,镍和铝等金属铸成

Golden, silver, copper and iron postmark signs were used to indicate the different degrees of importance of each transported document.───采用金、银、铜、铁制作的牌符来区分文书的重要程度。

The techniques for surface are plating nickel, zinc, gold, silver, copper, the wreath oxygen resin spraying and the heat disposing etc.───表面处理有镀叻、锌、金、银、铜、煲黑、环氧树脂喷涂及热处理等;

Silver-copper composite powders can be prepared with coprecipitation method, and it has oxidation resistance at room temperature.───采用共沉淀法制备出银铜复合粉,其在常温下具有一定的抗氧化性;

Haddadin another market, the tobacco market, and the sale of a variety of silver-copper utensils Seoul Sa France and Africa market.───另外还有哈达丁市场、烟草市场,以及出售各种银铜器皿的萨法非尔市场。

Lower-level can only use silver, copper gilt copper thread or thread to code suffix.───级别较低的只能使用银、铜线缕或鎏金的铜缕来编缀。


The higher the price of gold, silver, copper, oil and agricultural foodstuffs– the higher the tax on consumption must be.

The Parthenon is all internal, silver, copper and ivory ornaments, enshrines Poseidon Poseidon.

In aqua regia medium continuous determination of silver, copper, lead and high content of zinc is based on choosing the sub- sensitivity curve of zinc and maintaining constant content of chlorine ion.

Its mountains contained gold, silver, copper, iron, and tungsten.

Mineral exploration made important progress in . coal, uranium, iron, gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, antimony, tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, kainite and characteristic non-metal .

Suitable for cutting metal , such as structural steel refractory steel, castiron, gold, silver, copper, aluminium.

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  • silver jubilee
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  • silvery voice
  • silvered dnd
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  • silver medal
  • silver-white metal
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  • silver-white hair color
  • silversmith torch
  • silver plated copper
  • silversmiths restaurant ramsay
  • silvery flesh
  • silver sneakers
  • silver copper
  • silverware holder
  • silversmith san francisco




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