shit shows───狂欢(电视剧名,ShitShow);狂欢(歌名,ShitShow)
hit show───热门演出;非常受欢迎的节目
chat show───n.(电视或广播电台的)访谈节目
hit shows───热门演出;非常受欢迎的节目
chat shows───n.(电视或广播电台的)访谈节目
slide show───放映幻灯片;幻影式的
strip show───脱衣舞表演;每周两次以上同一节目
air show───飞行表演;空中表演
But the fact is, we're just two brothers fighting over something very simple. And not just two brothers, but twins, which adds a whole other element of mutant freak shit to the show.───但事实是,这只是两个兄弟间的一般争执而已,不只是两个兄弟,而且是双胞胎兄弟哦,这给整件事又加上了一层别样的味道。
When you're in prison, if you're called for and you don't show up, you are in very very deep shit.───当你是监狱里的犯人,如果在被长官呼叫时没有反应,你会很惨。
So, don't shit in front of the fly, because it will feel like you are in the show.───所以说,不要在苍蝇面前拉屎,因为对于它来说,会觉得你是在炫富。
- shit man
- shit lee
- shit bitch
- shit dark
- shit up
- shit life