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apart from───远离,除…之外;且不说;缺少

came from───来自;出生于

date from───追溯到;始于;起源于

far from───adv.远离;远非;完全不

hail from───(车、船)来自;(人)出生于

hear from───收到…的信;受…的批评



Typically, the exported share from AIX can be mounted at any directory in your file system.───通常,从aix导出的共享可以挂载在您的文件系统中的任何目录。

Otherwise there is the temptation for the firm with the lowest costs, or the best products, to break ranks and steal market share from others.───要不然那些成本最低或产品最好的公司将面临打破排名并从其他公司挖走市场份额的诱惑。

The immediate goal was removing the barriers for an application to win market share from a competitor.───最直接的目标是移除障碍,这些都阻碍你从竞争对手那赢得市场份额的。

Like the United States, China obtains a certain amount of oil from domestic wells, but must acquire a growing share from overseas suppliers.───和美国一样,中国能够实现部分原油自给,但也必须不断提高在海外供应中所占份额。

The company said the results include an 18-cent reduction per share from the repurchase of preferred shares from the U. S. Treasury.───该公司表示,以上数字包含了从美国财政部重新购入优先股每股所亏损的18美分。

The company said in a statement Tuesday that it was cutting its dividend again to a penny a share from 15 cents.───该公司在周二的一份声明中称,将再次降低派息,从每股15美分降至1美分。

Few new social networking companies are trying to steal market share from Facebook, MySpace or the other big entrenched networks.───很少有新的社会化网络公司还在尝试从Facebook,MySpace或者其他一些已经稳固发展的网络那偷食一些市场。

By turning up the risk dial, Mr. Buffett can take market share from competitors less willing or able to do so.───现在通过提高风险偏好,巴菲特可以从那些不太愿意或没有能力这么做的竞争对手那里夺取市场份额。

Overall deposit growth is flat, so banks are trying to claw share from the beleaguered cajas by offering rates as high as 4%.───由于整体存款增长疲软,因此银行通过提供高达4%的利息率从处于困境的其他储蓄银行那里抢夺份额。


Fourth-quarter earnings rose to 45 cents a share from 39 cents.

The dividend was boosted 11 percent to 2. 7 pence a share from 2. 43 pence a year ago.

The dividend was boosted 11 percent, to 2. 7 pence a share, from 2. 43p a year ago.

Co. slashed its 1996 earnings estimate to $ 1. 00 a share from $ 1. 40.

Those factors will prompt first one, then several dealers, to lower prices to capture market share from competitors.

For all of 2010, Goldman's profit after preferred stock dividends fell to $7.71 billion, or $13.18 per share, from $12.19 billion, or $22.13. Net revenue fell to $39.16 billion from $45.17 billion.

The total dividend is increased to 4.8p per share from 4p previously.

It made £41.7m compared with £32.5m in 1990 and is increasing its total dividend payout to 56.4p per share from 47p.

If Alibaba decides to counter - purchase share from Yahoo, appraise value will be very scabrous problem.

  • shares with
  • shared initial
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  • share the fun
  • shareholders right
  • share and share alike
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  • shared key
  • shared goals
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  • share bike
  • share hand
  • share one
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  • share with pics
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  • share the cake
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