

词汇 see after
释义 see after
see after发音




get after───攻击;追击;训斥

asked after───探问,问候

asks after───探问,问候

goes after───追求,追逐

gone after───追求,追逐

made after───v.追随;追逐;跟随

make after───v.追随;追逐;跟随

take after───与……相像

tree aster───紫菀


We'll see after the first leg. We'll know more then.───打完首回合再看吧,到那时我们了解的情况更多.

The cook went to see after the cake left in the oven.───炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了.

Who all see after the house when you are gone.───你外出时谁来替你照看房子.

Who will see after the cattle?───谁来看管这些牛 呢 ?

Who's going to see after you when I leave for Europe?───我去欧洲时,谁来照看你 呢 ?

While they exchanged caresses, I took a peep in to see after Linton.───在他们互相拥抱的时候,我偷看了林惇一下。

On the whole story relatively empty, nothing to see after too impressed.───总的来说剧情比较空洞, 看后没什么太深刻的印象.

I must be off now to see after him.───我现在一定要去照料他了.

Will you please see after my luggage while I m away?───我走开时请你替我照看一下行李好 吗 ?

Who'll see after the house when ur gone?───你走了之后谁来照看房子?

She promised to see after the children when their mothers were on the nightshift.───她答应在孩子妈妈上夜班时照顾孩子.

I was going to see after him.───我本来打算去找他.

Who's going to see after the visitors when they arrive?───客人到了后谁去接待他们?

You'll see after you see their work.───看了他们的作品,你就知道了.

John's mother told him see after his younger brother.───约翰的妈妈告诉他照顾好弟弟.

John's mother told him to see after his younger brother.───约翰的母亲告诉他要照顾好弟弟。

He and his companion presently went out to see after the horse.───他和同伴立即出去照料马匹.

  • see lion
  • seer rating
  • see notes
  • see tree
  • seemly defined
  • see ya all
  • see so real
  • see how they
  • see you right now
  • see the sunshine
  • see the sunrise
  • see me fly
  • seek girl
  • seek from
  • see boy
  • seethe define
  • see you cv
  • sees w
  • see a fish
  • see at
  • see afilm




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