

词汇 save animals
释义 save animals
save animals发音



farm animals───家畜

pack animals───n.驮兽(如马,骆驼等);驮畜;成群生活猎食的动物

lower animals───低等动物

party animals───舞会动物,派对动物

wheel animals───车轮动物

farm animal───家畜;耕畜

pack animal───n.驮兽(如马,骆驼等);驮畜;成群生活猎食的动物


We're both trying to save animals that face extinction.───我们都试图去挽救濒危动物。

The charity, which works across the world to save animals such as the infamous dancing bears of India, usually tries to release rescued animals back to the wild.───国际动物援救组织是一个慈善机构,它在世界各地拯救动物——包括印度不太光彩的舞熊,该机构通常试图将获救动物释放回到大自然中。

And that is why it can save animals.───也正因为此,这一措施才能拯救动物。

"There is hope to save animals in this place, " he said.───“这样有希望拯救野生动物,”他说道。

The 35-year-old Endangered Species Act was designed to save animals from close-by threats such as hunting, trapping and logging.───濒临物种法案自颁布到现在已经过去35年了。该法案的目的在于保护动物免受捕猎、陷阱和伐木等近身危害。

This way by going vegan . . . we get healthy and save animals.───而吃纯素…我们既获得健康又挽救了动物。


The aim was to save animals who bolted during the blitz - it promised to return any lost animal to its owner.

  • save files
  • save lives
  • save animals
  • save mode
  • save lmage
  • saveur maison
  • save save
  • save fuel
  • save our soul
  • save amp exit
  • saved game
  • save his life
  • saved up
  • save the best for last
  • saves the day
  • saves lives
  • saved in shanghai
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  • save space
  • save exit




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