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词汇 salad dressing
释义 salad dressing
salad dressing发音




salad dressings───生菜食品的调味汁,色拉味调料(saladdressing的名词复数)

Italian dressing───意大利汁;意大利油醋酱;意式沙拉调味酱

boiled dressing───水煮调味料



ranch dressing───牧场沙拉酱


side dressing───[土壤]侧施

well dressing───穿着体面


We can provide you 8 types of salad dressing.───我们可以向你提供8种色拉调料.

Some examples of these kinds of dishes are Caesar salad dressing and homemade ice cream.───蛋黄酱商品以及含已灭菌鸡蛋的酱类制品是可以安全食用的.

Kramer: Hey Morty! [ To Jerry ] Salad dressing?───克雷默: 嗨莫迪! ( 对杰瑞 ) 色拉调料?

Egg yolk serves as the emulsifying agent in salad dressing.───在色拉调味时,蛋黄能作为乳化剂.

The salad dressing was too lemony.───这种色拉调料的柠檬味太重。

I'll take both kinds of salad dressing.───两种色拉调料我都要.

Vinegar is used in salad dressing.───色拉调味料中需要用醋.

We have Italian and French salad dressing.───我们有意式和法式色拉调料.

Try to decrease to two servings of salad dressing, cooking oil, butter, and mayonnaise.───尽量减少食用沙拉酱, 食用油, 牛油, 和蛋黄酱,每天两食份为宜.

Swap your ranch salad dressing for oil and vinegar.───把你的沙拉酱换成醋和油吧.

One combo it is. What side dishes do you want? Which salad dressing do you prefer?───一份总汇. 你要什么配菜? 你比较喜欢哪一种沙拉酱?

What are your choices of salad dressing?───你们有哪几种沙拉浇汁?

Mix cheese, salad dressing and mayonnaise and set aside.───搅拌奶酪 、 沙拉酱和蛋黄酱,放到一边.

On your potato, try cooked chopped broccoli, fresh diced tomatoes or nonfat salad dressing.───土豆上放上切好煮过的花茎甘蓝, 新鲜切成小块的西红柿或无脂的色拉调料.

Further put on some beef salad dressing and seasonings.───再往牛肉上放一些沙拉酱和调味料.

Thousand Island dressing salad ( dressing made of mayonnaise with ketchup and chopped pickles, etc )───千岛色拉酱 ( 用蛋黄酱、番茄酱、碎泡菜等配制的 ).

Your salad dressing has a dirty little secret.───你的沙拉调料隐藏着一个不好的小秘密。

Two tablespoons of salad dressing is the size of a shot glass.───每天的沙拉定量是喝烈酒的那种小酒杯一杯,也是两勺.

Dinner will be ready as soon as I finish mixing up this salad dressing.───我把色拉调料一调好,咱们就吃饭.

This salad dressing has a sharp taste.───这种色拉调味品味道辛辣.

I think there should be a lot of salad dressing on the salad to enrich its flavor. Otherwise, it's too bland.───我觉得沙拉上面应该有很多沙拉酱来丰富它的口味。不然的话,就淡而无味了。

Two tablespoons of salad dressing is the size of a shot glass.───的沙拉定量是喝烈酒的那种小酒杯一杯,也是两勺。

In large bowl, combine brown sugar, salad dressing, lemon juice, vinegar and salt.───在大盘子里, 把红糖, 沙拉酱, 柠檬汁, 白醋和盐稍微拌一下.

Cutback on foods with hidden sugar like ketchup, white bread, canned fruit, and salad dressing.───去除食物背后隐藏的糖分,例如番茄酱, 白面包, 罐头水果, 和沙拉酱.

Can you tell me what salad dressing they have here?───你能告诉我这里有什么色拉配料 吗 ?

Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer, French, Thousand Island or Oil and Vinegar?───请问您要哪一种沙拉佐料, 法式 、 千岛还是油醋佐料?

Put the beef, the lettuce and some salad dressing into the bread.───把牛肉, 生菜和沙拉酱夹进面包里.

W: Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer , French Thousand Island or Oil and vinegar?───我们有法式酱、千岛酱,以及橄榄油和醋,请问您想要用哪一种酱料?

  • salad please
  • salad source
  • salad green
  • salad bar
  • salad days
  • salad box




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