enjoy success───享受成功
runaway stars───速逃星
financial success───财务成功;财务亨通
critical success───关键成功
resounding success───巨大的成功
future success───未来的成功
great success───巨大成功;非常成功
huge success───巨大的成功
instant success───立刻成功
Our June sale was a runaway success.───我们6月份的促销大获成功。
But this runaway success poses challenges for Mr Blankfein.───但这一巨大的胜利给布兰克·费恩带来了挑战。
Much later on he enjoyed the runaway success of his books, which are still in print after 70 years.───之后过了很长时间,他的书获得了巨大的成功,之后的70年里不停被重印。
Since the Narnia novels have sold more than 65 million copies worldwide, it seems likely that the films will also be a runaway success.───纳尼亚系列图书在全球共售出了六千五百万本,因此,该系列电影也极可能会连连走红。
After its runaway success in the 1960s, Jaguar proved reluctant to innovate in design or to improve its production methods.───在20世纪60年代取得胜利以后,Jaguar就不愿意在设计上有所创新或者改进其生产方式。
As in the case of Elizabeth Gilbert's runaway success, you may sometimes find the traditional version cheaper.───以迅速走红的吉尔伯特的书为例,你也许会碰到传统纸质书比电子书更便宜的情况。
The latest runaway success on Chinese television has had to pay the ultimate price, however, for depicting the grubby reality too closely.───最近在中国大热却遭到禁播的电视剧因为剧情与事实过于相近而付出了沉重的代价。
To understand the changing role of women in China, consider the runaway success of a novel titled Du Lala's Rise.───要想了解中国妇女的角色变化,你可以参考一下畅销小说《杜拉拉升职记》。
IF A club is judged by how fast its membership grows, then ASEM, the Asia-Europe Meeting, must be counted a runaway success.───如果评价一个组织的标准时看它扩展会员的速度,那么ASEM,亚欧会议绝对算是大赢家了。
Read in studio A taxi service with a difference is being launched which looks certain to become a runaway success with tourists.
Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success.
The book was a runaway success.
the runaway success of her first play.
The film was a runaway success .
The band's new album has been a runaway success.
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- runaway bride
- runaway from
- runaway success