

词汇 roll out
释义 roll out
roll out发音

vt.& vi.迁出; 铺开; 起床; 滚了出来; 滔滔不绝地讲出来






roll outs───铺开;滚出;推出(新产品,服务等);实行(新制度);开展

rolls out───铺开;滚出;推出(新产品,服务等);实行(新制度);开展



rolled out───铺开;滚减


all out───全力以赴


And now you want to roll out the entire gurney?───但你们现在打算把整张床移出去?

Churchill's cadences began to roll out of the short - wave radio.───短波电台里开始传出邱吉尔那抑扬顿挫的声调.

Roll out the lower half of the main bearing.───把主轴承下轴瓦滚出来.

Roll out the pastry and cut into narrow strips.───把油酥面团擀薄然后切成长条。

Hi there ! Actually, I am Optimus Prime ! Autobots! Transform and roll out!───大家好! 其实我是擎天柱! 汽车人! 变形,出发!

Governments around the world increasingly roll out artificial intelligence to help promote economic growth.───世界各国政府越来越多地推出人工智能来帮助促进经济增长。

After series article still will be in, roll out in succession.───系列文章还将在以后陆续推出.

We'll give her some VIP treatment and roll out the red carpet.───我们将给予她贵宾级礼遇,并且为她铺设红地毯。

He let a couple of golden apples roll out from under the barrel.───他使两个黄橙橙的苹果从桶底滚了出来.

Divide the pastry in half and roll out each piece.───把油酥面团一分为二,再分别擀成皮。

Three plans under consideration for the nationwide roll - out of smart meters.───正在考略的在全国推广智能表的的方案有三个.

Roll out the dough into one large circle.───将面团擀成大的圆形面皮。

Used to jump up in the may bach and roll out.───过去一直跳跃在上面而且卷出独身生活.

We'll give her some VIP treatment and roll out the red carpet.───我们将给她一些贵宾待遇,并铺上红地毯。

Surely it is high time to roll out the Hollywood ending.───想必该到上演好莱坞式结局的时候了.

Northern Telecom says its products will roll out over 18 months beginning early next year.───北方电讯公司表示其产品将从明年初起用18个多月的时间推出。

A North American launch could follow as part of a global roll - out.───作为全球推广的一部分,接下来路透社将在北美推出该系统.

The roll - out of 3 G networks could begin towards late 2006.───3G网络的建设可能在2006年末展开.

  • roll number
  • rolling star
  • rolled off
  • roll it
  • rollicking buckaroo
  • rollerball refill
  • rolling pin
  • roll around
  • rolling key
  • rolling in
  • roller skates
  • roller coaster tycoon
  • roll a ball
  • roll up your sleeves
  • roller skate
  • roll with it
  • roller wheels
  • rolls in
  • rolling in the deep
  • rollerball pen
  • roller coaster games




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